Reminder that the entire authority of the Roman Catholic Church rests on the claim of unbroken succession from St Peter...

Reminder that the entire authority of the Roman Catholic Church rests on the claim of unbroken succession from St Peter and that the ONLY evidence the second and third (or fourth?) popes even existed comes from a Roman Catholic propaganist who lived over a hundred years after the fact.

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who else is the successor of st. peter then?


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Martin luther

Authority of the Catholic Church rests on the claim of Apostolic Succession, and it's a righteous and accurate claim shared with the Orthodox Churches. The Orthodox also recognise the Pope as the Bishop of Rome, the successor of St. Peter and the first among equals. The claim of Papal supremacy is something else, though.

based british reminder poster
30 years war part 2 when?

Who knows? The Catholic Church certainly doesn't. By the way, that third pope, the one after "Linus", he was called Pope Cletus. Or Anacletus. He may have been the fourth pope, depending on who you choose to believe. No one has any idea. LOL

>I don't believe this piece pace of paper, because it doesn't fit my world view
>I will believe this piece of paper, because it fits my world view

Christians were poor as fuck and oppressed in the early days. A lack of organizational records from that time shouldn't be very surprising.

t. atheist who couldn't care less about the legitimacy of any church

>this is what protestants really believe
damn......"couldn't be THIS guy, the oldest record we have is from a paper that came 100 years after! It MUST be Martin Luther a guy who lived 1500 years after!"


Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail so the church must still be in existence and the catholic church is the one with the best claim. if the catholic church is fake then how would you explain all the miracles?

It is an office, not a literal handing down of keys from one to the next. The previous Pope does not elect the next, and there can be periods of time where the seat is vacant and there is no standing Pope at all. Though from what we can extrapolate from the early history Peter would be aware that he would likely be martyred at some point, and likely chose a successor before his death. While the evidence for the first few popes is a little scant, the evidence of a coup or a dispute over authority for who should succeed Peter is completely non-existent.

uhhh sorry sweaty I think you will find that St. Peter put the keys in a bottle then threw bottle into the ocean.....1500 years later washed up on a little known island called Britain and guess who took them out? A man called King Henry VIII. Queen Elizabeth II still has them in her bedside drawer ok, lesbian married bishops are the real deal.

if the catholic church is real then how would you explain all the rape?

wow man that changes everything, catholics btfo how will we ever recover

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Homosexual infiltration

protestants have never believed that luther was the successor of the pope or a pope-like figure, why are americans so uninformed about protestantism in general despite claiming to have a protestant majority?

The validity of the Church is not dependent on the actions of individuals within the Church, clergy or otherwise. The Church was instituted by Christ, not man, even if every human failed the Church that doesn't mean the Church stops existing, that'd be like implying a building doesn't exist because it is empty.
>explain all the rape
Man is sinful, even ordained men are sinful, Pope Pius XII went to confession on a daily basis. To be ordained does not mean to be perfect.

Because Protestantism can only exist in a society where people are clueless about Christianity and its history and rules.

We had our golden age when we had a Protestant majority, I prefer that to Christianity and its history which brought us a thousand years of civil war.

priests are people who sin like everyone else. it’s awful and shameful what has happened. there have also been many awful things that members of the church have done in the past but trust in the church is not trust in humans. it is trust in Christ who is the head of the church. the church has come through many bad periods where you would think it would be over but it is preserved. for example, if the church was not guided by god how could it have survived the pornocracy?

Satan and sin can only corrupt people, the institutional mandate or charism remains the same.
Same way the modern rulers of Germany for example can say "we are the German government" without feeling responsible for the actions of past German governments.
Their claim to authority doesn't come from the track record of their organisation, but from the mandate that their organisation must always exist. (Though the RCC's claim and mandate is more strict and unbreakable compared to government continuity).

>thousand years of civil war.
lmao meanwhile in USA we only have 4 years of civil war the absolute STATE of Germans wtf, then you guys start WWI+WWII on top of 1000 year civil war? Do you just love war?

>We had our golden age when we had a Protestant majority
The real golden age of Germany was the first Reich, ended by Pr*testantism and its l*beral offspring.