Chilean media is extremely butthurt with him

Chilean media is extremely butthurt with him.

What will happen to South America if he wins?

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I don't even know who is this man

Nothing, because he's a mong with zero dialogue skills and as such congress will fuck his shit up in a heartbeat if he steps out of line.

What's the biggest Italian journal please

Jair Bolsonaro, quite possibly Brazil's next president. He's variously described as "far right" or "the Brazilian Donald Trump".

Do you really believe many people aren't redpilled about this and will not vote for right wingers deputes and senators?

ok and what does want to do?
some examples?

He's a poor mans Trump

>using 'redpilled' unironically

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Congress literally never gets renewed, it will forever be comprised of the same dinosaurs that own half of their respective states (and their family heirs), because that's how the average Brazilian votes.

>right wingers deputes
Based Brazilian Engrish.
this was literally in the frot page a couple of days ago

1) Opposes gay marriage, abortion, affirmative action, immigration, drug liberalization, land reform, secularization
2) Refers to Haitians, Africans, and MENAs as "the scum of humanity"
3) In favor of Brazil's former military regime and is pro-torture
4) Wants to bring back life imprisonment and the death penalty
5) Wants to privatize certain state-owned industries and loosen gun laws
6) Pro-sterilization of the poor


I have many friends telling me for not vote leftist senators and deputes. I've never seen this before.

Same shit here. In the last elections nobody cares and voted for any party. This one will be different due to polarization

>muh friends
Irrelevant, all the civilized parts of Brazil have been consistently talking shit about MDB since forever and they still reign supreme because in the end what matters is how the average Severino votes, not some urban hipster voting for literal nobodies.

Massive butthurt from the media and fellow politicians, but ultimately nothing would happen, everything would be the same between our countries.

Brasil super power by 2030!

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I can expect many things, except one: Brazil becoming a new Venezuela with a right-winger.

Are you joking? Chimpanzilians just speak about him all over the internet

>Chilean media is extremely butthurt with him.

La Tercera is constantly crying about how fascist he is

Let me guess: He is racist, homophobic, misogynist, blah blah blah?

All another Brazilian candidates are the same shit. No one cares about women, niggers and faggots, just look at our homicide rates, leftists don't give a shit. he is right wing and must be stopped.

He's portrayed like a dumbass here aswell and not only by leftist media

So he is a literal horrible person and people are surprised nobody sane wants him to rule a country?

Also he has a lisp which makes it impossible to take him seriously.

the big media like la tercera will do anything to get retards to talk or comment about their publications on twitter for free publicity

>Let me guess: He is racist, homophobic, misogynist, blah blah blah?
Well, is he ?

Only if you are a flamboyant faggot or a dumb feminist

He's an edgelord mostly and just takes shots in the dark to trigger people and attract attention. I don't think he's a racist but he is definitely mysoginous. The homophobia thing is hard to tell because most episodes I recall were in arguments with SJWish tards baiting him.

Literally who?

Muh fellings maybe works in Europe, not in Brazil. We have very high homicide rates and leftists don't give a shit. If leftists cared about human lives they didn't close their eyes to our urban violence

Brazilian Jow Forumstard and candidate for presidential elections, who got hospitalised with a knife wound.

he is not as dumb as he looks
I had some serious doubts whether he had double or triple digits IQ, but on the last months he's showing an exceptional level of intelligence and articulation.
There was this rigged interview he was in where 2 journalists were throwing shit at him non-stop and he managed to BTFO both with arguments and come on top, the journalist woman almost cried.

>Dude don't criticize me for liking a horrible person because our country is full of horrible people killing each other

This is now very leftist reply from you.

No offense but I highly doubt your IQ measure based in an interview about brazilian politics.

Other than the pro-torture and pro-sterilization part, how is he bad?

>he's just pretending :DDDDDD
The absolute state of right-wing politicians.

Imagine Salvini merging with Trump.

>6) Pro-sterilization of the poor

This is unironically a good thing.

There's nothing wrong here

>What will happen to South America if he wins?
Be the same exact shithole?? What could happen?

>Actually ELECTING your way into being an Amerimutt puppet

Even us, fucking Iceland (!!!) had to at least be occupied before we were puppeted.

Brazil, you cuckin'.

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Kast 2022

>Refers to Haitians, Africans, and MENAs as "the scum of humanity"
>In favor of Brazil's former military regime and is pro-torture
>Pro-sterilization of the poor
yeah anyone would be butthurt about this dumbfuck

Kast got nothing on this idiot

according to our media he is like LITERALLY, LITERALLY HITLER
so I hope he invades us and kills all the commies and throws them in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean


t. tia bea

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What are you talking about? he gets hardly covered at all, the only thing our media does is throwing shit at lula (and that's a good thing).
All of our channels are right wing

twitter is a great source for personal opinions of journalists, on TV they have a script and only seconds to tell the news
on twitter everybody hates him because they have to be politically correct

We have to choose between american or chinese puppet

not only journalists but most important politicians, left and right, national party, colorado party, frente amplio of course
they all treat him like he's Hitler


Well we already know twitter bans everyone who disagrees with the status quo so this isn't much of a surprice
I've yet to see a rosado trash talking about bolsonaro but the fraude amplio is in full damage control over lula

t. shoroy

Too bad he will lose to this beautiful man

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Jair Bolsonaro, the hue president candidate who got stabbed, but recovered, his popularity was second only to a guy who is legally not allowed to run last I checked. he looks like he can win, surviving assassination attempts really hypes your support base and gets people to look less favorably on the opposition if there's a connection

>other than being for inflicting insufferable pain upon other people whenever you see fit and denying rights to poor people how is he bad
Well maybe also the part about giving his state license to kill anyone they dislike and being for military junta.

>opposes everything (((they))) want to other countries
>is against (((UN))), the piece-of-shit organization that tried to get an arrested commie scum to dispute the elections
>u puppeted, dawgs
GO TO HELL, commie snownigger

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Except that Bolsonaro is only good at rallies and not with articulate words delivered from a bed, much like Trump.

all of those are effective ideas
>2) Refers to Haitians, Africans, and MENAs as "the scum of humanity"
They are

no, he is a good person, because what he will do will uplift people

>Muh fellings maybe works in Europe
It doesn't work here either, all of the effective measures ended decades ago. The drop in crime by whites is only due to atomization and alienation.


1°/ Jair Bolsonaro: 30.5% (30%)
2°/ Ciro Gomes: 16.5% (13.5%)
3°/ Marina Silva: 14% (22%)
4°/ Geraldo Alckmin: 12.5% (12.5%)
5°/ Fernando Haddad: 11.5% (5.5%)
6°/ Alvaro Dias: 4% (4%)
7°/ João Amoêdo: 4% (2.5%)
8°/ Henrique Meirelles: 4% (2.5%)
9°/ Guilherme Boulos: 1.5% (1.5%)
10°/ Vera Lúcia: 1.5% (1.5%)
11°/ Cabo Daciolo: 1.5% (1.5%)
12°/ João Goulart Filho: 0% (1.5%)
13°/ Eymael: 0% (0%)


Marina: 54% (57%)
Bolsonaro: 46% (43%)
Ciro: 52.5% (54.5%)
Alckmin: 47.5% (45.5%)
Alckmin: 56% (53.5%)
Bolsonaro: 44% (46.5%)
Marina: 50.5% (55.5%)
Alckmin: 49.5% (44.5%)
Ciro: 56% (52%)
Bolsonaro: 44% (48%)
Alckmin: 59.5% (68.5%)
Haddad: 40.5% (31.5%)
Haddad: 50.5% (43.5%)
Bolsonaro: 49.5% (56.5%)
Ciro: 54%
Marina: 46%
Marina: 57.5%
Haddad: 42.5%

this is the latest poll, he doesn't win in any scenario

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that's why he's doing good, the KISS principle.

sure, but he is a controversial candidate and you should assume that people are less likely to admit on pol that they would vote for him

>research made in USP

polls went to shit all over the world in the last years

you really don't know how vocal his electors are

I mean....

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troca o disco e sai do sue echo chamber

troca o disco e sai do sue echo chamber

lol, they should all do the fortnite dances soon, that will REALLY get the youth vote!!

Communist queers should really shut the fuck up.

false equivalence and even if it wasn't you are saying that you're the same as the people in the video o posted


>Between hillary and trump who would you vote for?
>Can I die instead

>Bolsonaro is nothing more than a pathetic project of tropical hitler

>Collor is just a coke snorting playboy

>Temer is a conspirator, that fucking son of a bitch

>how can I join the greepeace? I also want to throw shit at ships

say hello to the next president

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You are a bunch of retarded faggots, go kill yourself before wanting to pose as hot shit.

Perdeu a linha

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what is horrible for you it's the only viable option for 3rd worlders like us.

of course third-world apes are attracted to le epic right-wing extremist strongman, same thing happened with our dumbfuck country last presidential election


There's a critical difference between trump/hillary and bolsonaro

Most people who voted from Trump were people from fly over states that had a worse education that the people who voted for hillary right?

the exact opposite happens to in brazil, people who vote for Bolsonaro are the ones who are richer and had better education while the people from our equivalent to fly over states vote for the left wing

This is the critical difference between the american elections and our elections that Bolsonaro supporters don't seem to realize

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well said!
drumpftards beware, we are coming for you!

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Has anyone noticed the striking similarities between Brazilian posters now and American posters during the 2016 election? It’s as if some Brazilian version of Jow Forumsthedonald is flooding this site. They all furiously deny it but it’s so blatantly obvious.


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You have to go back.

now lets vote for a candidate, any other, that wants to approve abortion, wants legalize drugs, will not let people defend themselves with firearms (unless they are niggers and poor)

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