The best rule is that if you can't remember 9/11, then you're a Zoomer

The best rule is that if you can't remember 9/11, then you're a Zoomer.

If you remember 9/11 but were in school, you're a Millennial.

If you remember 9/11 and were already an adult at the time, you're Gen X or Boomer.

Attached: 1536522212055.gif (437x320, 122K)

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I just remember the millions of people killed and countless countries destroyed by America.


All dem poiple all dem hamboigas

Pictured: boomers

Attached: IMG_20180911_151435_783.jpg (750x937, 146K)

i was in pre school and i'm definitely a 20 year old boomer

based america

Zoomers FTW

What if I haven't been born yet?

whats the difference between gen x and boomer?

Gen X is born roughly in 60s and 70s.
Boomers roughly born in 40s and 50s.

Actual dates kinda blurred just like the line between Millennial and Zoomer.

>Generation X or Gen X is the demographic cohort following the baby boomers and preceding the Millennials. There are no precise dates for when Generation X starts or ends. Demographers and researchers typically use birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1960s to the early 1980s.

>Baby boomers (also known as boomers) are the demographic cohort following the Silent Generation and preceding Generation X. There are varying timelines defining the start and the end of this cohort; demographers and researchers typically use birth years starting from the early- to mid-1940s and ending anywhere from 1960 to 1964.


Attached: Generations-PART 4.gif (1250x1729, 376K)

The line between Gen X and millennials could be defined as the Challenger explosion and if you remember it or not. 9/11 is the Challenger event between millennials and Gen Z

We millenials dropped the ball when we let rock and roll like Green Day die

I was 6 years old back in 9/11, don't really remember it. Didn't give a shit
I remember the bin laden craze and the iraq war though

I'm 30 and 9/11 is one of the most vivid memories of my life, it is the line in the sand, we couldn't comprehend it, it was biblical in scale.

Attached: AdmirableNarrowErin.webm (1064x720, 380K)

I remember coming home from school seeing it on TV. We then spent the next few years of recess building towers from jenga pieces then throwing lego airplanes at them while yelling "WORLD TRADE CENTER!"

>LARP 9/11 for YEARS
Whoa the absolute state of the Swedish caliphate

it was my second favourite pastime after watching rally crash compilations (they used to sell those on VHS, pre-youtube days)

Warren was based as fuck.

I'm 24, but I don't remember much other than having to go home for some reason, and my parents were sad when they picked me up. They never really told me what happened, if they did I don't remember, but I remember my dad telling me that Muslims are evil and if I ever see one I should stay away.

>my dad telling me that Muslims are evil and if I ever see one I should stay away.

hauahagagagaghajldj queer
1999 - boomer
2000 - zoomer

Attached: 1524422353294.jpg (1024x1017, 83K)

Late 90s are zoomer

I remember coming back from primary school (first day the 2001-02 school year), turning on the TV to watch The Simpsons and then seeing the news reporting the whole thing in every channel.

why does this look like a ricky, lucy, and julian cosplay.

They did that in other countries? I have similar memory i was in middle school and was pissed bc all muh tv shows were being blocked by breaking 911 news for like 2 weeks after. No simpsons. No futurama. I asked my parents why it even mattered and my dad told me "we are at war. Won't be long before you see i.ages of our troops rolling thru the desert on tanks smoking a ciggerette."

cool webm


Based america


Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-06-02-31-29.png (720x1280, 571K)

Stop posting this image. Whoever it is nobody gives a shit.

What about '97?


Deffo ZOOMER or some kind of hellish Zoomer/Moomer hybrid.

definitely zoomer

Based and redpilled.

Attached: yemeni civil war - america france and allies.png (327x248, 13K)

shoo shoo underage

Your dad is based and redpilled.
