Why does the US spend a lot of money on the military instead of on something more useful, like infrastructure, health...

Why does the US spend a lot of money on the military instead of on something more useful, like infrastructure, health, education, etc.?

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Muh guns

It's a huge business over there. US military is probably the largest employer in the world.

Those things could theoretically be labeled socialism so they are forbidden.

We spend our money on the military so you don't have to. We're making up for multiple countries. Be glad you get three months vacation per year and free healthcare and whatever

amerigguns are not tucked in nice and cozy in the mountains
they got beef on top of beef

Muh freedom

There is nothing wrong with starting wars

They would have to raise taxes, and (((rich))) people wouldn't like it

Who says infrastructure, health, and education are more useful?

Be serious, what do you prefer? A stupid bridge or a 30 mm giant auto canon at 3900 rpm?

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are you sure you don't do that because you have a bully complex and your military industrial complex is addicted to your tax dollars?

Those things don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

no, but intent matters. you don't spend stupid amounts of money for the purpose of helping other countries. you spend stupid amounts of money on the military because you have a bully complex and your politicians are beholden to the arms industry.

t. Bullied Cuck


Canada you're just as guilty as America is, NATO fought in the middle east, not just the US

Freedom ain’t free. God bless.

nice try ahmed, you can't beat islam with roads and books

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we stopped at Afghanistan, we had obligations to the UN which sanctioned it. even though i did not agree with going to war in Afghanistan to begin with. of course not joining in with Americans when they go to war makes them unfriendly to us, so we have to keep the peace or else we might get annexed too.

So thoughtful of you

Intent matters less with nations than it does with individuals. Any nation that acts purely out of altruism at the expense ot it’s citizens isn’t doing its job.

intent matters. especially when some nations claim that they are spending so much money on death machines so that other nations don't have to, when in reality they spend so much money on the military to bully everyone else and their politicians can't stop sucking the military industrial complexes cocks.

so excuse me for pointing it out. but i'm sure the world would be a lot happier to give up their 'vacations' and 'free healthcare' if you guys would stop fucking over countries and spreading refugees and death.

strong cope mutt

this tbqhwyf

how is that cope? that's reality. coping would be me making an excuse to make up for a perceived deficiency. i'm not. i'm pointing out the obvious. the US doesn't spend all that money on the military for other peoples benefits, they do it for themselves. learn to meme faggot.


I don’t disagree with any of that. My point was only that we can simultaneously be motivated by self-interest and benefit certain people with our actions. Intent doesn’t negate positive results, whether intended or not.

That’s all theoretical though. I’m not exactly convinced many good results come from our warmongering.

shut up you stupid mutt

The USA is afraid that if they lose dominance they might never get it back. And the world will be outside of their control.

And if that leads to for example oil not being traded in dollars anymore, then the demand for the dollar decreases drastically. Everything will become expensive for Americans. As they are an import economy thats a huge problem. And it will lead to a huge crisis.

So they prefer to maintain the status quo.

You don't see more spending on healthcare and education because there's no shortage of physically/intellectually capable labor. Infrastructure is more debatable but most of the worst issues with it are in regions that are contributing minimally to current economic stability. The cost of policing the repercussions of this are still less than spending to improve the situation.

Defense spending on the other hand serves to maintain global US military hegemony, supporting the dollar as the world's reserve currency and the borrowing current US policy relies on. It subsidies R&D with implication well beyond the military. And it mostly winds up in the coffers of US businesses or the pockets of their employees acting like more or less any other direct government subsidy of the overall economy.

Reversing these pending patterns emphasizes production of goods the current stable state of the system does not need to perpetuate itself at the expense of the capacities that it does.

US is ruled by lobbyists.

arguably we are much safer than Switzerland. our neighbors are the pacific, the Atlantic, Canada, and mexico. Switzerland may have mountains, but they also have Germany, France, etc.

The US military is for defending global trade routs, US economic interest abroad, and for preventing a superpower like the USSR from unifying all of Eurasia under a single power; which is really the only thing that could potentially invade the US mainland with conventional military forces. Also, it's for stopping nuclear proliferation; being so geographically secure, we don't fear foreign armies, but we're still vulnerable against nukes.

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>we need the 2nd amendment to protect against a tyranical government but we can spend money on useful things because we need to buy aircraft carriers for said tyrannical government

American intelligence...

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>destroy the middle east
>shitskins flood europe
Yeah maybe keep your help to yourself

Ah yes we must protect them from the powerful and expansionist Russia with a GDP smaller than Italy

>As they are an import economy thats a huge problem. And it will lead to a huge crisis.
it would be a global crisis, especially for the major exporting economies.

the original BRRRAAAP-fags

Most of us want guns because they are fun. All that protection shit is just justification.

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>We spend our money on the military so you don't have to
yeah, right. How nice of you, fag

If not US, you would be communist shithole, ungrateful eurocucks.

thats not why you brainwashed cuck.

You are free to stop anytime you want.

The mythic meme that yanks spend all their tax dosh on defence continues to annoy me. People conflate the discretionary spending (which is over 50% on defence) with the total spending (cracking in at 16% to health's 27% and social security's solid third) and forget there's already mandatory spending in place.

Americans spend a trillion on health already; adding on the 600 billion from defence isn't going to somehow magically fix all their problems.

Attached: Yank Federal Expenditure.png (720x400, 35K)

OP didn’t say that we spent all of our money on the military brainlet.

>Why does the US spend a lot of money on the military instead of on something more useful, like infrastructure, health, education, etc.?
>infrastructure, health, education, etc.
State security is the number one concern. If you can control the population by force, then there is no need to appease them with such things.

Quest for oil.

quest to help muslims sell oil to asians; without them starting an Iran vs Saudi war and/or a Chinese vs Japanese war.

Attached: oil_exports_2015.png (1920x1056, 1.21M)

About 5% of total US GDP is spent on the military and almost 30% on entitlement programs. You tell me.

It most certainly is one of them my friend


The entitlement programs cause far more damage to the US than the large military budget does.

America is waging war with all these countries. What a coincidence.

The government has more or less finished their plan of Russian encirclement and has also encircled Iran.

And the sad thing is, it wouldn't have to be this way if Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran could keep their grasping mitts to themselves instead of trying to pull stunts like Crimea and SCS islands.

Why do I see the Aussie Bruce when I look at this picture?

because of the cold war

>so excuse me for pointing it out. but i'm sure the world would be a lot happier to give up their 'vacations' and 'free healthcare' if you guys would stop fucking over countries and spreading refugees and death.
would love that too user. You realize that the collateral on US debt is the productivity of the American worker. We're all working our asses off over here and watching our tax dollars air bursted all over the desert.
Syria was a Clinton/Obama project. The rest of it was Wolfowitz/Cheney/Bush.
You see how this goes? Voted those fuckers out and now all we get is grief. The fuck any of us supposed to do.

Russia created trade alliances and inside it wage a trade without dollars. Firstly. Secondly. In the US strict internal tensions between blacks and whites. It's like a bubble, is not it?

>infrastructure, health, education, etc.
Not communist

No. We have been encircling Russia since the 1950s. That's what NATO is for. That's what Japan and Korea and Vietnam are for. That's why we funded the Taliban in Afghanistan. Russia wanted Afghanistan to get closer to another warm water port.

The current state of world affairs are a bubble as I see it. We have never seen a time when there has been so much peace and free money to keep that peace.

control over the world

just look at the state of Europe for example - racemixing, mass immigration, hip hop, fast food, gay marriage, trannies - these are American things

because americans are fat and dumb

look who's talking

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It's not because it is a bubble unless a radical change occurs, the global trade economy makes it unprofitable to wage war (Eliminating war over resources). Covert operations make transitions of power to favorable governments for nations more cost-effective and less politically damaging (Eliminating war over territory). The build up of nuclear weapons has made the mutual destruction of both sides a deterrent against war and forces coexistence and war via proxy where the ante isn't increased with nukes (Eliminating war over ideological purposes).

America wouldn't win russia with physical force. An automatic nuke system protect us and rest of the world from a world war.

>yfw Russians are still taught 1950s propaganda as if it were fact

take nukes out of the picture America would steam roll Russia

And the ERCS keeps an automatic nuke system to protect us and the rest of the world from a world war.

Well you see, there's education as in learning useful productive subjects you can make a career out of, and "education" as in learning about transsexual lifestyles.

The only "education" I need is the bible and the Constitution

I hope that polska can still read in russian.

The people generally impacted by poor infrastructure aren't the people making billions thanks to American imperialism. Think of it this way: fuck everyone else.

100% reliable and foolproof, like everything in Russia.