Post a street view from the shittiest part of your city/town.
Post a street view from the shittiest part of your city/town
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Black homies be here
We dont have streetview but our southern trainstation is probably the worst part
>only picture I can even find from googling the city's name
It actually looks a lot nicer than this though
jesus, where the fuck do you live
None for me as I live in a Whiteopia suburb but this is Chicago's west side(Garfield Park)where most of the Heroin dealing takes place
>looks perfectly fine
>it's so safe houses don't need a fence
I'd do anything just so I could move to the US.
its philadelphia please dont bully
This is the worst picture I can find of my town. We don't really have shitty areas in my province.
Not true, there's some vehicle theft here but not enough to warrant hiding yours in a garage.
I'm sorry user
The only really ugly part of my town is the chemestry plant
Looks aesthetic
beverly, aka little winnipeg
100% of the area's population are injun stabbists
Most of these look pretty comfy or close to be comfy, fuck!
Here you go the worst part of germany
here even the small girls would rape your boypussy.
Jane and Fitch is definitely one of them
Finch*. Also Jane and Woolner is shitty too. The buildings are filled with blacks, spics and muslim refugees. So far a few shootings have happened around that area plus a suicide in which a chick threw herself off from one of the top floors.
Where is this?
>even the small girls would rape your boypussy.
count me in.
Sounds pretty bad, how many casualties the shootings have left?
Not sure 2bh. I think there were at least a few injured and at least two dead from what I heard on the news.
>We dont have streetview
That's africa tier.
they are hidding something...
some african nations have street view though
Bumping with pic related. A couple of assholes caused a shooting in a KFC because their children started fighting each other.
Are those refugee camps?
Is that a Heroing addicts hotspot?
That well kept grass makes it look way better
Berlin Kreuzberg
I honestly dont know i would guess far left protestors but im not sure
honestly the "bad" part about this side of town only comes out during the night but during the daytime it looks pretty normal.
Loads of homeless and drug addicts though
>Muh privacy
Its also illegal to install security cameras that film public ground
You cant see it on google maps but theres usually about 20 junkies and drunks hanging outside this building.
not even once
There's plenty I can put
This is the worst I could find on street view
one of the lowest revenue per inhabitant in France actually, but it's not too bad
You must live in bum fuck no where. What's your nearest metropolitan area?
what's up with hispanics and those structure on the right of the picture? i saw some in Brazil and Peru
That looks nice tf
I live in downtown Erie, PA. This is the nearest metropolitan area. Could've posted the numerous abandoned mills and factories but the areas around there are generally quiet and nothing happens there.
poor horses
I don't either. But I think that these are unfinished houses.
Oh I've driven past that area on my way to niagra so I didn't have to pay tolls. Some of it was quaint but a lot of that area was also pretty run down. Half the route had a road that wasnt even paved.
this place ironically named after one of my favorite communists
been here once when tried to date girl who lived there and it was literal hell
that small store has no windows because otherwise it would be robbed every night
seeing a structure without a window is simply bizarre
what the fuck is your problem russia
that's city outskirts, people who live there don't really deserve anything better
there's also lattices on every commieblock window and they pretty much disappeared in area where I live like decade ago
>It's so safe houses don't need fences
That's not true.
There are a lot of parts of Houston that are as bad as Brazil. Anywhere there aren't white people or Mestizos, you will get robbed.
All of the black neighborhoods have bars on all the windows. They break into one another's home and kill the inhabitants or robbers.
1/4 white black people are barely human
God, I hate the way that shit looks.
It's down right ugly. It looks just like Houston
building structures that were cancelled due to illegal planning or shitty low budget constructions, they are anywhere in latin america
>pretty run down
>had a road that wasn't even paved
100% of city budget goes towards the city proper (more specifically downtown) and millcreek
chances are you were driving through one of our numerous boroughs that has a couple people scattered about who all get told to collectively suck it by city council when budget gets brought up
There are many other places equally bad, but I guess this shithole stands out
The main road looks fine, but off to the left it looks like Satan's butthole where little kids are trafficked for organs
What happens there?
try to beat this hellhole protip: you cant
Looks fine, I'd live on the left no prob
I tried
Large parts of the "city" look like this or worse
2nd try
Goddamn makes me feel better about living in DC
That looks like Iraq
what part?
why does peru looks so sandy?
This looks like the worst part of Mexico.
This is the place where they find random pieces of dead children in garbage bags
At least there's electric
Not my city, but I think I got it
shithole but not that much of shithole than my pic
still a shithole but not even close to the first try
San Juan de Lurigancho is Iraq
We live in a desert.
northeast outskirts
So are you rich in Ecuador?
>This looks like the worst part of Mexico.
it is indeed not even narco controlled shitholes look like that, chilangos were a mistake
Alexandria here
college park
That looks just dreadful. Are there much crime there? What are the usual drugs that people use in SK? Heroin?
you guys should meet each other
Looks like there was a party, just clean it up, paint the houses, and it wouldn't look so bad. Compared to detroit and baltimore, that place is alright.
I think that we have a similar place here in Lima, hang in there.
Here, I think.
I've seen much worse here, depends on your definition of "shithole" you can go from rural communites with mud huts and no electricity to favela tier ghettos and piss-reeking bars/brothel districts, can't be arsed to post though.
because the whole province is a shitty area
>tfw i live in the best township elected of 2017
no bad places to take pictures lads
A dormitory in which i spent my childhood
Ah, nothing worse in your town than the local gypsy camp belonging to the local gypsy tribe.
You're not too far from my Grandma. We have those fuckers in Aveiro, too.
They are everywhere. You know those little villages in Alentejo with less than fucking 500 inhabitants? They are over there too.
That's the Philly I remember.
Whenever it snowed I would take a walk through the worse parts of the city, in those conditions it was actually peaceful.
One of them some how rear- ended my uncle's car and fuck up the bumper and turn signal, riding their stupid fucking donkey. My aunt said to leave it alone because he might come back with friends.
dont have a street view but this is close enough to one of the cheapest areas of my small city
Like the other user said, the landscaping looks pretty good.
If you hadn't mentioned the shooting I wouldn't see too much wrong.
It's not uncommon to see them strolling around with their caravans pulled by horses in the city center sometimes...truly creatures of the past century
And she was absolutely right. Unless you have 50 cousins, starting ruckus with a gypo is not worth it. Like nothing positive will come out of it, it is the same as stepping into shit - you can't do nothing about it once it is done, you have to clean it yourself and hope avoiding stepping into another.
Eu deteste a zona da minha mae.
qual é a zona?
the majority of detroit is actually alright for all the bad rep it gets. apart from the inner city it looked fairly livable the 1 time I visited there
Murtosa, Aveiro. E uma vila de pescadores. E