No Sheething edition
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Do the males wear a dress?...comfy
Seriously tho why does he look so plummed and purple
stage 4 cancer?
Surprised this hasn't been rage raided yet
I feel hungry
Maybe its just stress
I heard the AFP refused his order to arrest Trillianes
I mean is Trillianes arrested as of now?
so eat something
Still no rain
Its heading up north
Stay safe Michlan
Any Malaysian Chinese here? I have a serious question
All the Marcos talk made me wonder, has any flip posters been to the Manila Film Center?
How spooky is that place?
>Manila Film Center
They made a film about it
Deterioration aside
can you believe we paid for millions for that piece of shit, it just screams the funds were pocketed
Immigration plus territorial deputes
Taiwan actually claims Batanes islands
Why so dead?
O giliw ko miss na miss kita
Because ASEAN is shit
TLDR: Marcos infrastructures requires blood sacrifice
they are reptilians
Feels bad, do you want to move here then?
I stay at the Sofitel next to it sometimes and it's not uncommon for my family to be billeted in a room that faces it. There was a plan to possibly renovate it for it to serve as the new Senate building, but it was rejected because the building suffered damaged during the 1990 Luzon earthquake. These days the building is mostly used as a venue for some theatrical show.
Is the tranny show still on going?
I've never even heard of that show.
Eli5 Trillianes situation
Fuck, Depok is so hot right now.
I waste my electricity to cool down my room.
>janny is the shitposting Jow Forums retard
Why don't you clean the poo poo janny
Really? Do you have a source that the banterfag is a janny?
Why do you guys do this? Maybe because I'm tall and skinny but in Malaysia I could handle the heat fine. My wife would run the AC to the point I would feel cold.
>brings up Jow Forums shit and blatant racism
>doesn't get deleted
Name a reason why you shouldn't be banned
ok guise, rape you next time :)
Story behind it:
Duterte hates Trillanes because Trillanes exposed Duterte's dirty secret that he's a mass-murderer, a pathological liar and an irredeemably corrupt politician. So Duterte spends billions in public funds, paying internet trolls to support his lies and condemn Trillanes in the social media. After all, it worked for De Lima, who until now hasn't been properly meted out a sentence despite being incarcerate for lack of damning proof
When the investigation started on Solicitor General Calida's criminal activities of giving out security contracts to his own firms, Calida made up some bullshit about Trillanes's amnesty being invalid.
Duterte signed an order immediately to arrest Trillanes claiming that Trillanes's amnesty is invalid and he is guilty in a case already dismissed by the courts. Duterte didn't think at all about the legality of his order. After all, he's already used to doing everything illegal and he thinks himself above the law. Also,Trillanes exposed Duterte for all his lies and malicious allegations regarding "offshore accounts". Anyway, Duterte probably also thought that he could get away with his illegal orders against Trillanes, now that he destroyed Sereno and placed his puppet Chief of Justice, De Castro in the Supreme Court. As a result, Trillanes holed up in the Senate for his own safety, they probably murder him like another "nanlaban" EJK victim.
Not satisfied with the arrest warrant ordered by his father, Duterte's son, Paolo Duterte, who's also called the "Lord of Smugglers", and his sister's husband, Mans Carpio, filed a case against Trillanes for libel. Both of these men, were exposed by Trillanes to be involved in the 6.4 billion pesos drugs smuggling case, after Paolo's friend Mark Taguba, has dropped his name during the investigation. Long story short, Paolo Duterte has resigned as vice mayor to stop the legislative investigations against him. Now, he wants revenge against Trillanes for exposing him.
How's the weather on summer?
Because our weather (Greater Jakarta) is around 31C-25C every day. So any day with above 31C is hot for us.
Looks like no more Tamiyas in Cebu if TRAIN 2 gets implemented
25-28 is the comfiest, i can stand everything above 30s but below 25 is goddamn freezing. I went to Malang earlier this year just for 3 days and got sick for a week after that.
>25 is freezing
lmao, weak.
I still don't get why he remains so popular when our economy is going down the gutter. Aquino become so unpopular even though the economy grew a lot, same with Gloria. But Dutdut, despite rising inflation and a slowing economy, is as popular as ever. Why?
If Duterte dies, how will the Philippines react? Do we expect like what happened to Thatcher where people partied, or something like Kim Jong-il or Chavez where when they died, the country went into deep mourning?
>below 25 is freezing
But you didn't even bother answering my question.
To be very honest, his face doesn't look healthy. Something's fishy.
Army of paid trolls is the key to ""popularity""
Explain how
I also don't get why SkyscraperCity still defends Dutdut to this day. Everywhere I go there it's all praise or defenses of him. Even the ones shitting on Tugade and Villar seem allergic to shitting on Duts.
Honestly he looks like an end-stage renal disease patient. I used to visit my Fathers old auntie at the dialysis center who also has light diabetes. It's sad how you'd see people turn darker and darker
Not every part of greater Jakarta are equal.
South, east and central Jakarta are quite comfy while Bekasi, Depok and Tangsel are literal hellhole.
You mean here?
20-25C max
I saw Duterte as a practical man and got baited into the hype of the social media band wagon, one who few words and would just answer his critics with results(cringe). One I could relate by being a programmer whose worth was measure by his output.
Then i started to notice, everyone one I looked up to didn't like him. Why won't they give him a chance? Let him speak for himself!
And then, he did started to speak for himself.
>6months aayusin ang mrt? The MRT that was never designed to support Metro Manila from the very beginning?
>it will be bloody? oks lang, dami squatter talaga na salot.( turns out, squatters lang pala talaga ang targets )
>crime 6 months din?
Wheres the practicality I was looking for? I was hoping for a clear detailed plan.
>getting the drug lords?
>develop Mindanao to de congest Metro Manila?
>Anti dynasty Bill, since galit sya sa oligarchs( lol dynasty din pala sya nung nag google ako)
All Extravagant Promises with zero logical explanation, he just talked to please his crowd.
He was all tough talk and full of arrogance, his mouth was working just like his asshole.
I gave up on him after that speech, he was no different, just another trapo.
On election day, I just hoped that Mar wins despite not voting for him.
Yep no significant change would happen, Yep he's boring like PNOY. At the very least, boring is good for people like me. It means my investments would sleep well, it means my pay comes in as expected, it means i can do whatever the fuck i want without a gun pointed at my head.
I already knew that he was gonna be a bad president, it was "anyone but binay" but right now even Binay seemed like a better choice.
Yep, Duterte exceeded my expectations, in all possible metric that he can be measured with.
Penge time machine, may kukutusan lang ako sa 2012
>25°C max at peak summer
Comfy as fuck
comfy as fuck
Yep but it's 9C right now.
We're used to live in stable temperature for all year round. So the fluctuate temperature is a bitch for us.
hi there /asean/, whats up?
Where's your leaf zhang
Do you listen to nasheed?
this, can't get through the day without fan full blazing at me
Nasheeds are lame.
This shit is more of my speed.
I've come across people who have a nasheed as their ringtone
Weak ass shit.
Mahmoud Awad is kino
That's still pretty hot Joko, 18-23 is the comfiest
Dark trap nasheed is the best
The only masheed I jam
>hp ngebrick
tai kontol
I'm still sad that she retired, she was so cute too. And the sad part is that she went to Indonesia and Singapore, but never the Philippines before she left the industry.
Because people like you who worship idols are very minuscule.
She's not an idol though? She was a voice actress and singer. And a sad fact about her is that her career only really started to pick up in 2017, the same year she announced her retirement.
Based, I liked that you could see open support for Hamas
Would people get mad if I had a Hezbollah flag as well?
>be soldier
>if you join fellow mutineers you get kicked out of service with no pensions and benefits regardless of who is in charge almost immediately
>you're also permanently banned from joining other security branches (PNP, DILG, NBI, NICA, PSG, DND, etc) but not necessarily any gubmint jewb
>if you're an officer you can kiss your stars goodbye (imagine throwing at least 15 years of your career down the drain if you're a Lt. Col or Col)
There's a reason why most mutineers are O-3 and below, they've got nothing to lose.
I like rap but not like that
Not a good idea since probably the majority buys the mainstream media version of gas killing animal assad with child seeking barrel bombs so Hezbollah got the flak as well.
It's sad how effective this propaganda is in the community
I had to explain the white helmets to my wife after she showed me something from facebook
It will only work if they all do it and sucessfully boot him off and palce whoever they want like what happened during the EDSA revolution
With the whole Article 13 stuff. Does Malaysia not have internet rules or something? Seems like we can almost do whatever we want except criticizing the government of course but that's also something we do anyway.
>Malaysia will never become a developed country.
Not without the masses' support
Coup =/= People Power Revolution
>wanting to be a "developed" country by western standard
What I want is Malaysia becoming a rich country.
This is #ourturn, grandpa.
How's your day so far /asean/?
None of that will matter if the entire AF actually do it tho, the factions must unite to be able to pull it off.
what will happen is a showdown between our military and police.
the masses will come they will make sure of it
According to my relatives the AFP has already been warned of his erratic behavior when he ordered our air force to bomb areas in Marawi where the groundforces are operating.
Thats why many middle ranking marines are agitated and That's why they went behind Duterte's back to request help from the US Navy to deploy drones instead of continuing sacrificing the lives of their men based on Duterte's whims.
allegedy those funerals he attended were his "to bribe them visits"
Day 5 and still too tired to fap
I feel your pain man.
Good for you.
>allegedy those funerals he attended were his "to bribe them visits"
Coup this guy already
I need Malaysian Chinese qt girls Instagram.
>get accepted in ui and itb, decline the former for the latter
>tfw a depok resident living in bandung now
You know, i've been wondering why "millenials" always being generalized like this.
Not everyone were born in Jakarta, nor live as libcucks, they should know that.
Going to start work soon.
is tony fernandes a weeb?
Last day of work?
I thought you are going to quit your job.
It's a hotel california situation for me.
lower back pain get worse