Hometown thread

post your hometown and rate others

here is mine, i am from florida

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kiss it good bye before it sinks bc of global warming

know that your people voted for this to happen, too

i voted for democrats though, not a democrat but i like my islands



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isn't this where cops and old italians live? i've only heard bad things about staten island

Pretty much. Fuck New Yorkers by the way. You're the shittiest drivers I've ever seen, even in other states.

yeah. My father was in the nypd for 25 years and nearly everyone is at least part italian (including me). I tend to not like that side of my family.

At least there aren't many jews.

was born here

Attached: kelowna.jpg (1958x981, 2.53M)

Basically in the middle of the cunt

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Midtown of where I live. I'm from downtown

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I feel like every other American on here is from New Jersey

Post above your's is mine. That's in North Jersey. My town was where they caught the guy with a bomb at the train station

I though Baltimore for a second, but did an image search

Sorel-Tracy, QC

what part of liberty city is that

Kelowna looks so nice I know a girl who live there. looks like Twin Peaks

are you the QUEBEC-ALBERTA ALLIANCE poster?

I know the name but forgot the state where Wichita is. It's quite the definition of flyover states

is this pittsburgh

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Fuck this town. Seriously man. Especially my shitty area.

this is where i was born, but i haven't been back since my grandma passed.

Attached: monterrey.jpg (1024x700, 295K)

Read previous posts.

I'm from a suburb of DC. I wouldn't call it "shitty," but I definitely wanna move to a place that's less expensive and tight-assed as this area

vernon here. ogopogo master race

I live in one of the most expensive parts of New Jersey, and the crime and population density here is shit. I'm a 10 minute drive from Newark


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who are you exactly?

>are you the QUEBEC-ALBERTA ALLIANCE poster?

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San Miguel

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My quiet little town

Attached: CDMX.jpg (2600x1410, 462K)


7/10 have a syilx friend who lives on a rez near there and hates it tho







spent half of my life in pic related though, the traffic is terrible.

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There have to be better pics of Monterrey...
looks 10/10

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9/10 looks comfy

Comfy as fuck Chesapeake Bay in Maryland!
Climate is mild as hell and the people aren't batshit crazy either unless you go to Wilmington or Baltimore.
Ill fight anyone who says Mid-Atlantic isn't the comfyst part of USA.

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