edizione grandi amici
/ita/ il filo
Primo per cazzi femminei
primo per sesso GAY
filo morto
pretty sure that's one of Putin's doubles
Avete presente quando si dice che l'amore fa fare pazzie?
Ora che ho la possibilità di osservare gli effetti di un amore posso rendermi conto in prima persona quanto questo modo di dire è veritiero
>tfw sono argentino e non tengo moneda
t. soggiogato dal demiurgo
No, non sono io quello innamorato
How we wuz is Italian history in regards to Rome?
How entire history is based in that
*on that
What about medieval times?
Have you ever heard of the Holy Roman Empire?
Yes; but for most of it's existence Italy wasn't involved. Do Italians see Rome as the first Italy like Hitler talked about the HRE as the first Reich?
e se ti cago in bocca?
Huh? Google translate says that's an insult, but I'm just asking a question
google translate is shit t b h
So what did you say?
messere apra la bocca orsù
>Yes; but for most of it's existence Italy wasn't involved
>australian education
Half of Italy was part of it, and the other half was part of the other Roman Empire
Italy was nominally involved for most of it's time. From 1000 or so onwards the Germans really had no say in Italy
Seeing as neither of us were alive at the time I don't see why it's your history. I've studied that period a fair amount so I'd like to see what qualifications you have over me
*sbuffa* sono sveglia *si pettina*
not him but I'm graduated in History with a thesis on the role of the italian peninsula in the early years of the HRE
I have over 3000 hours in EU3, EU4 and CK2. I think I got you beat
I also wrote a biography of Louis le Pieux
>io gioco ai videogiochi
On a Frank? So what?
>I choose how to spend my time based on societal normes rather than what I want
well show me the biography YOU wrote
I wrote my dissertation on Machiavelli, Cesare Borgia and the immoral King of the Medieval ages. How about your actually show me the biography you wrote? :)
it's in italian so you wouldn't understand
*si scaccola* buongiorno
Perchè gli Anglosassoni sono sempre così fastidiosi ed arroganti?
Dev'essere il clima oppure il fatto che nella loro cultura culinaria ci siano tortini con le interiora di capra
I was never arrogant; I was just asking legitimate questions and the terrone got butthurt because a foreigner had more interest and a better understand of his country
Sopravvivere abbastanza da accumulare tutta questa saccenza senza essere steso da un ragno dev'essere un enorme achievement per un aussie
Again. You're being combative for no reason. Why do you feel insulted by me telling the truth?
>muh terroni
Where are you from?
Stavo solo cazzeggiando tranquillo non me ne frega un cazzo in realtà
>I've read macchiaveli once now I'm an expert of Italian history
Congratulations now you are on the same level as the average Italian high schooler
Tutti esperti di storia in austraglia
Zittite il canguro con una risposta sensata voi che non siete ignoranti, altrimenti non la finiamo più
I've read more than just Machiavelli. I've read Guicciardini, Firpo, Parenti and Felice as well. Also most know it alls have only read Il Principe.
Everything south of Florence is Terrone. Also Venice
whatever happens in the geographical area you live in is considered "your" history so yes. Not only rome though, this can be extended to Etruschi, Longobards, Sabini and the fuckton of tribes that the romans conquered and annexed to their population and culture.
What makes you think historians have more than a little grasp of what actually happened given Damnatio Memoriae used to be a thing?
What do Italians learn about outside of Roman era?
>furenti a prima mattina con i forestieri
Ma fatevi na scopata
Beh per esempio al momento sto studiando la civiltà sumerica, l'impero di Akkad e la III dinastia di Ur, che si dice in Australia invece?
E secondo te se mi fosse possibile farlo al momento pensi che sarei qui a cagare il cazzo a un negro d'oltreoceano
We study from the australopitecus to the first gulf war, I dont understand the question.
Imparano la storia spendendo oltre 3 mila ore a giocare videogiochi ebreo-svedesi e se ne vantano, a quanto pare
I never spent a day on medieval history. As for classics we looked at Alexander the Great's conquest of Asia and thats it. Most of history was spent on the history of NZ (which is boring as fuck) and generic European/American history like WW2 and Slavery
dopo il canguro è arrivato il macaco
questo filo ormai è uno zoo
NZ =/= AUS
I mean what periods of Italy do you focus on? Do you study Habsburg–Valois Wars? Or Florence rise to power?
Lmao why is Anglo Eduation so shitty?
Do you study maori history as well?
we study literally everything since it's our history, there is not a particular period we focus on
Because our history is boring as fuck and we don't have that far to go back on anyway
We look at European/Maori relations if that's what you mean. That's the main focus; things like the Treaty of Waitangi. Before that doesn't get mentioned, but like I said it doesn't even go that far back
>Polinesian culture
Da cellulare non si vede la differenza
You're lucky. No country has a more interesting history than Italy does; you're spoiled.
Hai torto user, non lo sai che in austraglia si parla anche tedesco? Sembra che non usi nemmeno il microonde per scaldare l'acqua
>actually studying something
I honestly thought western history programs were standardized. We start with mesopotamia, egypt, move to greece then rome,
Preroman, roman republic, roman empire, post-roman. Then there is a brief blank period in which germanic tribes dominated northen italy but they werent fond of writing stuff so we know little. Middle age (800ish to 1492) is all about city states, in particular Florence, papal states, reign of naples and most importantly Repubbliche Marinare (venezia on top). After that it basically overlaps with european history
It's extremely cringe when foreigners get into North vs South banter
Is Italian irredentism poplar? I've heard before that there is still a big rivalry between the different states
yes, I hate everyone but lombards (the true ones, not terroni parasites)
hanno trovato un culo su marte
They are extinct nowadays
Ah sì, la famoza bianura badana...
Why did Italians change so many names? Mediolanum is a much cooler sounding name than just Milan
parla per te ciro mazzucchelli
lmao ecco il salentino invidioso
No no sono ancora più a sud fai conto quasi Africa e comunque non è invidia prendersi gioco dei padanfag
We should have formed a Confederation like the swiss or the germans, but apparenly getting rid of the Spanish/french domination in the peninsula was considered most urgent shit to do. Italy became one with the piedmont reign and here we are.
Sei furente ragazzo padano? Noi terroni abbiamo impregnato ogni singola donna padana, ormai trovare un lombardo puro è praticamente impossibile
chino chan
Ok cazzo giallo con questa cosa ti sei appena guadagnato una italica mulier
venite pure a impregnare, però poi nascono padani. Parla al telefono con balotelli e vediamo se sembra più un bingobango o un chad carpentiere bresciano
>but apparenly getting rid of the Spanish/french domination in the peninsula was considered most urgent shit to do.
Wasn't it?
Northern Italians do like getting cucked
>Balotelli è padano
L'ASSOLUTO STATO DEI """PADANI""" (Arabo-Afro-Siculo-Napoletani)
io sarei rimasto volentieri sotto spagna, francia o austria piuttosto che diventare shitaliano
>parlare in inglese sul filo
L'assoluto stato di /ita/
Che vi avevo detto
chi ha invitato l'angloporco?
itagliano troppo difficile per gli austriaci padani
Anche io, sopratutto perché se fosse rimasto il Regno delle Due Sicilie adesso ricchissimo
*adesso sarei ricchissimo
>Implicando che la mafia non ci renda già ricchissimi
Picciotto cosa sei un pentito?
la lingua italiana di oggi è quella del manzoni e non mi sembra originario di napoli
go duolingo for today
notare che ha detto la spagna prima di tutti quindi è un suddito delle due sicilie come te, cvd
ma vattene, australiano falso