His """language""" assigns imaginary genders to inanimate objects

>His """language""" assigns imaginary genders to inanimate objects
I'm glad to be knockoff British.

Attached: I'm so British.jpg (840x780, 86K)

you're not knockoff british, americans are either german or non-white

For once we're on the same page. Fuck feminine tables and masculine chairs or something like that.

Both tables and chairs are feminine.

both girls in French, you can sit on them or eat on them

I am in fact partly British.

Attached: DNA.png (1547x696, 209K)

Does that mean that french has an actual system to differentiate genders? At least in Swedish I think it's rather arbitary and you just have to remember which ones are masculine and which feminine.

Yes. Word endings almost always indicate the gender of the word, although there's a few exceptions mainly found in foreign loanwords.

i think he meant in terms of determining what objects would be feminine and what objects would be masculine
it's completely arbitrary
example in spanish:
cock is feminine
cunt is masculine

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