Would you consider learning the French language to save it from its demise?

Would you consider learning the French language to save it from its demise?

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no, no, no, no, NO. NAY. French is a god-awful language and it must be wiped off of the face of the earth.

A language spoken in 29 countries with nearly 80 million native speakers?

FUCK no, but I am learning Occitan to save that from demise.

Yes. Dofus validated French's existence

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Says the Mexican masquerading under a US flag. In a perfect world, the western hemisphere would speak English and French only.

Japanese and French*

in a perfect world the western hemisphere would speak Eald Ænglisc, Latin, and Arabic, that's a fact.

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>used to speak a little french back at high-school
>forgot basically everything because of how little it comes up compared to english and spanish
maybe if the Francophonie produced worthwhile media I'd bother relearning some, otherwise it just has no impact on my life

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I need to learn french to get a decent job in my city

No. I have decided on Spanish instead. Even though I love French..

>enthrusting me with the survival of a language
might as well teach a parrot to speak it, bro
would be a better use of your resources

Should have put more effort into colonizing New France instead of selling Louisiana and then fucking off to Africa.
Don't worry the Africans will continue learning French and it will be saved.

in this hypothetical scenario
i would consider it

>Should have put more effort into colonizing New France instead of selling Louisiana and then fucking off to Africa.

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It could have been interesting if you kept the Lousiana territory. Of course you people would likely have much more Native Americans running around.

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gibe qt belgium grill with chocolate.

Only if you fucks learn how to spell

>tfw I'm still playing it
Have you seen the movie ? I don't know if it released outside of France.

Honestly sounds quite comfy. I want out of this shitty timeline.


enarque genocide when lads

>Have you seen the movie ? I don't know if it released outside of France.
Lmao that shit has been obsessed over by ouiaboos for years now. Fuck France and especially fuck P*ris

Don't think it would really work though.

>Of course you people would likely have much more Native Americans running around.

Not if settlers have a say in it.

the language can stay just not the people

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It's still very much alive and well unless you throw autistic bitch fits over non-euros using it.

>you will never have cute native american girl cook for you and gut and clean deer for you from your recent hunt.

Do i get a French gf? do they like English people who read about smart things like history?

>fuck P*ris
I couldn't agree more.

t. lindybeige

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Most of those issues are the result of your fucked up language

Not really. "Enough" and "women" aren't French words. The problem lies with all the vowel shifts English went through.

>fat mutt in charge of deciding who should go extinct
trust me, everyone in the world wishes for yellowstone to erupt everyday

Would you rather we pronounce meat like me:ht?

I wouldn't mind.

>Don't think it would really work though.
Neither did the model we followed until now.
History or (((history)))?


I guess it could be okay.

French is dying?
Anyway I'd rather focus on my own dying language.

>History or (((history)))?
Irish history. I fight to overturn the Hibernian's iron grip on modern society

Like Lindy but fatter, with a better hairline and clean shave, also not a pseud like him. I do enjoy wearing similar clothes though

This dumb Belgian Walloon should explain what he means by this, in Belgium the French language is disappearing and being replaced for Dutch, Walloons are learning Dutch and English-only at a fast pace.

>Walloons are learning Dutch and English-only at a fast pace
Well, yeah. They don't need to learn French after all. You're arguing that because they don't need to learn their native language, it means that it's disappearing, which is retarded.
Speaking from personal experience, Flemings tend to have a decent level in French while Walloons don't speak Dutch at all. Maybe that's bound to change since Wallonia is so poor, though.

no, because french people would still hate me for speaking it

Never, we love foreign people speaking french.

my sister's a french major and shopowners rolled their eyes when she spoke to them when we visited Lyon

Mais, est-ce que c'est vrai?

But Walloons are learning Dutch and English at a much faster rate than Flemings are learning French, and moving out of Wallonia because it's so poor, to France/ or Flanders.

It's suffering the same fate as Frisian in the Netherlands, where local governing bodies need to promote learning the language to keep it alive, and a lot more people can speak it while not being able to write it.

What the hell.
I know Lyon is full of faggots, but damn.
Maybe she had a too thick accent ? I really don't know. Sadly our country is not retard-free.

Bien sûr que c'est vrai.

Because she spoke it poorly, when someone speaks French properly they'll love you for it.

T.half-Walloon, I'm trilingual.

Merci. Mais combien mal est trop mal?

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>It's suffering the same fate as Frisian in the Netherlands, where local governing bodies need to promote learning the language to keep it alive, and a lot more people can speak it while not being able to write it.
It's nowhere near that bad and never will be. Even if Walloons emigrate or learn foreign languages, Dutch replacing French as the language of Wallonia is something of a fantasy scenario.

C'est trop mauvais si on ne peut plus comprendre la phrase, ou si on la comprend mal.
Autrement, je fais toujours un effort pour comprendre la personne quand elle fait l'effort de parler ma langue.

Merci mon ami!
Est-ce que tu es sur /fr/?
Je pense que je retournerai apres mes examens

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Oui !
Bon courage !

>a walloon posting under a dutch flag
j'en ai vu des choses, mais là...

Tu es l'Australien qui poste sur /fr/? La seule personne que j'apprécie dans ce général.
Bonne chance pour tes examens.

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I didn't say it would disappear, but it's causing unease in the Wallonian minority.


Merci mon amis!

Un jour je veux tu travail dans l'france!

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J'ai déménagé

No. I watched the show with Cherubim's(?) shop years ago on YouTube, but its since been deleted. I loved the animation, and French's sound. If I could make a show, I'd animate it in a similar style and write it in French

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The animation in the Dofus movie is absolutely gorgeous, I hope you'll be able to watch it someday.
You have taste, my friend.

We might get to witness the gradual mutation of Wallonia into Québec-lite then. I literally cannot wait.

France greatest ally. I wish I had more reason to French; I would in a heartbeat, if I thought I'd ever use it. I hardly use Spanish as is

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No because French is gay

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Marry a French person. That should be enough reason.

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Not a bad idea. What are French girls like? American girls are a tad standardized, unfortunately

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lmao fuck off animefag

You can still find really nice girls here. Less easy since a few years, but they do exist.

They love faux-intellectual stuff and have a love-hate relationship with America and its culture. They might act overly critical of America at first, but it's just a way to get a reaction out of you. Appearance-wise, girls here are generally short and slim, with hair ranging from brown to blonde. I'd say they also dress rather okay.

Bad skin, really independent (you shouldn't pay for them), and they are fine with talking about sex, and men often leave everything to the woman in the relationship.

Don't date in Paris, go to Burgundy and look there, you'll find the best girls.

Very rude

>just to get a reaction out of you
I think most women do this. Not a bad thing, but it can catch you off guard. American girls play similar games, but they'll believe whatever you tell them after a while. A little frustrating

>really independent
>go to Burgundy
Do they vary strongly by region? In America, maybe four female archetypes exist, but you'll find them in every single region. Locational dating sounds neat. Independence, too

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currently learning it as a part of my Economics degree

He cute

Maybe you had a bad experience but usually french love people that make the effort of at least trying to learn their language. Of course, we've got a decent amount of cunts on our hands so you're bound to stumble upon assholes here and now.

Their R is disgusting just because of that I would prefer German

>Should have put more effort into colonizing New France
fuck off with this meme
New France outside of Montreal and New Orleans was a massive empty hostile shithole full of injuns and no one in France had any reason to go in either the northern snow desert or the indian territories in the south
Spanish Louisiana had to be sold to defend ourselves in Europe

No. Just speak English. All other Euro languages are irrelevant.
Stop trying to delay the inevitable. All you Euros either start speaking English or you're gonna be speaking Chinese instead.

>Don't worry the Africans will continue learning French and it will be saved.
Rwanda is changing their language in schools to English

No, romance languages should be wiped off the face of the Earth. I'm learning German instead

I honestly regret learning spanish instead of german.

If I were the last french speaking person on earth, I would burn all my stuff and then kill myself.

Why did you decide to learn a shitty romance language spoken by a gigalion of brown mutt instead of the superior white's man language?

Because i got memed by my older sister that "german was too hard" back then.
Yes, i already know i'm a dumbass, thank you.

Funny, I had german classes for like ten years and litterally never got to use it. So I forgot everything, now.

no. latin languages are terrible, although French is still second best of those.

german's not going to be white anymore once you learn it, arab rapebaby
Get in touch with your forefathers and learn this instead: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siculo-Arabic

I am trying to learn french but it is very difficult for me, is it because I am an Afrikaner? Usually Afrikaners learn German as third language as opposed to French.

As long as you speak french and not fwench, that's fine by me. Keep up the effort.

t. Learning German

Nah, french is supposedly pretty hard, with a lot of what seem to be alien ruling. Good luck!