I translated these posts from a thread about the black gentleman getting shot in his home by the cop in Texas, from a Taiwanese message board.
They're worse than us lol
Chinese and niggers
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinks proving they have no soul once again, mocking the death of a innocent and based black man chilling in his home.
>a innocent
Brown hands typed this post
I know this sounds stupid but why do Asian only websites/games require you to enter a name using the english alphabet ?
Less complex maybe. Maybe Chinese characters use more memory. Idk
no you fuckinf retard, the death is funny and hilarious, and fuck off with your conforming to social norms that you have to respect the death of some innocent man.
it is funny and you can laugh at it or mock at it, shut the fuck up waffle nigger
Before you go what are the characters for nigger Taiwanese?
尼哥 Seems to be the main one. I also saw 伲哥. Then there's 黑人 for black man/person which also happens to be a brand of toothpaste