Thoughts on turkish girls?
Thoughts on turkish girls?
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They're cute. Are they Muslims?
Too Turkish
Belong to korean bvlls
Made for BKC (big Kurdish cock)
I would not pull out of her vagina during intercourse, if you know what I mean
cutest boys of the Middle East
I think I get what ya mean, leaf.
Is this a rare phenotype in Turkey?
Not really, I think their ancestors were imported from the balkans though.
t. Serdar
This girl is breathtakingly beautiful.
Johnny turkies got way more beautiful in 100 years.
Olive girls are hot.
Not until she smile, just take a look at the first picture. I mean she looking beautiful when she doesn't smile, but when she does is kinda ruin the whole thing.
get a load of this guy
my distant uncle is married to a turkish lady. Their offsprings are good lookings. They all live abroad (yes the parents too).
maybe i should marry one too, i want a good looking offsprings.
This one is qt send more
She reminds me of a Tatar girl I knew years ago. There's a certain Asian look to her but I can't explain it.
Why do qt turkish girls all love gooklets dick?
She is too black for me
How common are girls like these in turkey and how do I get one?
You'd more easily find a girl like this in rest of Europe. It's just interesting in this case since most Turks are olive-skinned Meds.
I doubt there are girls that look eurasian in the UK
Lots of Slavs have this look though.
She's half Korean
>How common are girls like these in turkey and how do I get one?
1 in 10. Most turkish girls are facially deformed hairy swarthy fat gypsies, like the turks.
Go to Thrace peninsula, Istanbul, Trabizond and Western Turkey.
paternally or maternally?
I don't know
She also a titcow
>Go to Thrace peninsula, Istanbul, Trabizond and Western Turkey.
Most spaniards kinda think in that part of the balkans people are very dark skinned for some reasont though
I demand proof
Check out her Instagram
link it
cheers lad
literally built for BKC
Why is this retarded grille with a boy face so popular here?
Sibel Kekilli is still the best turkish girl.
They give birth to turks and therefore they must be purged, just like whites
Damn she looks soulless. And also nothing special in terms of beauty, by European standards
Base and red pill
Aren't she half turkish?
turkish is like jewish - there is no "half"
So why she have so good english?
All her fans are Asians. What do you expect?
There is. Some turkish girls look like armenian/georgian, some look like balkan (read bulgarian/serbian).
Is she a Turk too?
This thread is literally filled with "let me tell you about your country" type of people. It's frankly disgusting.
Jesus that's a particularly repulsive one.
Impossible. Turkey must be a diverse country.
looks like that boy from GoT series who broke his back falling from a tower
>signs in cyrillic
Yeah, such a diversed country.
I fugged a few Turkish girls while travelling
They seemed to be pretty keen to get away from Turkroach men and on some big Australian cock
Like I said, their famillies are probably slavic imports from the Balkans
She was on vacation in Bulgaria
What a point for a turkish citizen take vacation in Bulgaria
Well she is bulgarian, just admit it, boii.
She's turkish
>nose ring
So there was a slave trade, Europeans. Pirates abducted white people from Ireland and as far north as Scotland. It's why to this day villages and what were to become cities in coastal regions are all inland. Turks have strange genetics. Hellenic but also northern European. The current occupiers of Anatolia are what they pillaged along the way.
Belong to Korean BVLL
There are no bvlls in South Korea. Only twinks.
>There are no bvlls in Asia. Only twinks.
Most of Russia is in Asia
Except I don't see twinks IRL, mostly fat fucks and skeletons (skelly =/= twink).
Koreaboo girls aren't of stable mind, so there is nothing wrong with them exclusively dating Korean guys.
Tell us about your country then
Avoid koreaboos at all costs
Any girl that has a specific ethnic preference is a gigantic red flag
Nope. She has a pretty face that's for sure but she doesn't look that different from your average girl in her 20s.
>If she is cute, she must be from my region.
>let me show you these carefuly picked specimen
Good wives
For me it's Norwegian boys
Imagine this faggot getting raped by a Somali in Oslo haha
thoughts on real turkish girls, not children of kidnaped balkanites?
that's a girl
i am pretty sure it would be a gender affirming experience for hi.. her
take those crosses off young man