The word "white man" is censored in swedish game Battlefield V

how can we stop the eternal swede?

Attached: idAaAsT.png (549x653, 183K)

What happened? I remember playing BF1, BFBC2, none of these SJW shit were in those games

thats pretty based

Battlefield became a gigantic franchise that competes directly with Call of Duty instead of being it's little nerd brother.
On top of that the game is simply said shit.

Sounds pretty based to me. Fuck wh*tes.

t. Mamadou Hansen

based as fuck

>(angry Joe reaction)
I don't even know what's more opressed these days: white men or gamers.

Yeah I bet it's you poor Jews

whats his name again?
its censored because he isnt white

Pretty based. In what context would you even type that out?

right now Call of Duty competes with Fortnite
this year's COD won't have singleplayer, won't be on steam, only on the Blizzard platform and the main gamemode will be Battle Royale

look like Battlefield won and is alone in this field now, too bad that BF V is indeed shit, i tested beta few days ago, and i don't like it one bit, while i loved Battlefield 1

>right now Call of Duty competes with Fortnite
CoD is outselling Battlefield again big time, but my point is that historically CoD was the big money franchise while Battlefield was for ~2 million nerds.
During Battlefield 1 release however suddenly the BF franchise was I think outselling CoD as CoD was really shit and most PS4 normies actually bought Battlefield instead of Call of Duty. Obviously that's when EA had the entire corporate structure crash down on DICE to make the perfect console shooter.

>too bad that BF V is indeed shit, i tested beta few days ago, and i don't like it one bit, while i loved Battlefield 1
I feel the same. I didn't love BF1 but it was a nice and interesting game regardless. BF5 really adds fucking nothing but frustration and for a game set in more modern times I really don't feel like it.

based swedes killing the FPS cancer at last

>private company: *does whatever they want with their own intellectual property*

People can discuss a product and complain about it if it is shit. What's your point?

It triggers the fuck out of people, I like it

>What's your point?
Some people seem to dedicate their life to complaining about it.

If you are a gamer and a BF fan it probably means a lot to you

They don't make games for us real antipolitical gamers anymore

Japanese Market.

based Sweden, fuck wH*tes

Is Angry Joe (Jose Vargas) considered white in Amerimuttland?

don't play it boom job done. Dice are marxist cunts. don't give them attention

They don't make games like they used to
FF7 now that was a game

Your best cultural heritage game, (one of the best games ever to be fair) is getting blacked by netflix. Who sold the rights?