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no one cares
But whats happening on the testnet reeeeeeeeee
Shit "update". This coin is dead.
it's nothing
Sergay is FAT!!!
Checked. This fat fuck ate all my Link
i really hope you're someone new and not that avatarfaggot that larps as an autistic baby frog
Clearly not nothing, displays on going progress fudders, stay poor.
What the fuck, this seems really complicated.
Anyway, they obviously made this post so people can investigare Ropsten network and find the partnerships. Why else would they do that?
I have to dig it up but I know there's a screencap of rory specifically saying that they want all eyes on the contracts. They won't announce partnerships explicitly, they want us to DYOR and find the companies requesting data. I promise I'm not a larp, give me some time
dig dig dig dig.
Yeah, If I knew anything about reading code or any skills that could help, I would try to do it. But I honestly read the medium post and couldnt understand anything.
trying to find any meaning in any of that transaction data is definitely not worth the effort. you'd have to be some kind of uber autist to find anything meaningful.
Definitely not a LARP. There’s no marketing in having companies using it, so it doesn’t cross that “security” definition of an asset.
LINK is a utility, and an incredibly valuable one at that. It’s the API standard for blockchain.
im sure at least one nerd will come up with something about this
I bet a selenium script or bot of some kind could dump everything in a matter of several hours.
>be some kind of uber autist
Where do you think you are?
oh shit oh shit oh shit
Chainllink $1000 EOY
ChainLink is a scam. It's copying a similar project which was created years ago that no one ever used because decentralized oracles are useless in practice:
Fake news.
This article is about Chain's Link, not Chainlink.
Autists start doing autist shit and find the partnerships
If I were that autistic I'd stfu and keep accumulating or selling all of it. Depending on the info.
its a nothing burger.
That's a quality fud. My linkies will stay stinky!
I found it. This was posted on april 9th in a thread speculating about salesforce
got something fellas! heres an important byte code, a JSON file that matches up exactly with the mcdonalds hex address
looks like sergey is getting big macs delivered to the office and they're executing the order twice a day, every day at the same times of day (12:30pm, and 2:30pm)
The ocean always get sucked out before a tsunami
You won't deter me, I will post my findings to the world.
fucking hell that's efficient, thank you money belly
I didn’t understand a freaking thing.
I wish I wasn’t a brainlet.
C’mon linkies. I know we’ve got some neckbeard techies among the Marines.
>Call someone a neckbeard. Ask for their help.
>partnerships are uncovered
>no one can buy because there's no volume
>parnerships are uncovered
>no one can buy because there's no volume
>those that hold the volume start putting buy orders high
>faggots like you have to buy those
>price skyrockets
do you understand why low volume is irrelevant to the success of a project now?
Looking forward to what you see
Who buys this shit sergay is a fatty fat
I found in their github, it seems like a small-mid technology company based in Argentina. Also a chink developer who owns a San Francisco based business about... Pictures?
I bought and the price went down :(
mucho gracias
The power of decentralized oracles
Should have bought Eos
Link for the lazy
Could you copy and paste it in my browser please?
Can you point me in the direction of this please?
I'm going to contact customer service, this isn't right at all
Check developers folloeed by Steve with websites. Both seem to be an use case for Link, specially that trentosur
I had seen that guy before, could be a possibility.
so mainnet in July?