What are your thoughts on Anglo-Saxons?

What are your thoughts on Anglo-Saxons?

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Anglo-Saxons are Celts.

will have to see what the janman has to say about this one


stroking the ol' meat sock

99% of chicks seem to be actively trying to destroy civilisation, but NGL, I've met a few females that were positively angelic. Maybe 1% of femoids are alright.

I'm thinking of one right now and she was the most perfect person I've ever met.

Polite and civil, objectively the whitest people

I like to keep a positive and respectful tone in all of my posts :)

how tall are you?

most reddit post i've ever read in my life

she fit

what beverage do you fine lads drink with fish, red meat and cheese?

6' flat

pepsi max

that'll be carling mate
now let me tell you about these fookin tories

um i dont want to get cancer no thanks

VERY fit. Insanely fit. But also incredibly intelligent, talented, and kind. She had the most beautiful face and a personality to match.

whats her #

water don't want any shit interferring with the tastes

sounds like a female version of myself

she doesn't use twitter

You're related to human beings who were around tens of thousands of years ago. Humans who literally hunted and gathered to live. Humans who lived in fear of apex predators and slept in the most basic shelters imaginable. They were our ancestors.

Think about that for a moment. Think about the sheer wonder of that fact.

Who mixes fish and red meat?
Mais ici c'est pepsi a tous les moments de la journée et tous les jours

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yet she still sucks cock so she can't be that great
take the asexualgfpill

Cracking bunch of lads who are unfortunately ruled over by a class of vampiric euromutts

chuckling at this

sounds like a version of myself

BASED as fuck

never let celtic larpers put us down lads

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beer with any combination

>You're related to human beings who were around tens of thousands of years ago. Humans who literally hunted and gathered to live. Humans who lived in fear of apex predators and slept in the most basic shelters imaginable. They were our ancestors.
>Think about that for a moment. Think about the sheer wonder of that fact.

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nigger poo nigger poo nigger poo

asexual? what are you an amoeba? hahaha

I meant separately.
Mais tu peux manger du poisson/fruits de mer avec de la viande. On appelle ça terre et mer. hier j'ai mangé du homard bleu avec une pièce de bœuf à côté


I seriously need to erase her from my mind. It's like expecting to win the lottery. It'll never happen.

alri reddit

she fit

this except with every single female on the planet

you ever tried being yourself mate?

yeah the girls seem to hate that though

Ditto. Except guys as well.

okay fag bender poofta

Nous avons la même ce la s'appelle le surf et turf mais le homard =/= le poisson.

ever tried being someone else mate?

when i was a kid i tried to reenact animorphs thats about it

A few times. I got called a joke.

I always wonder why people remember their contribution to the British Isles to such an extent that Anglo-Saxon is often synonymous with Brit, but why the Jutes got left out.
Why isn't is Anglo-Jute-Saxons?

Weren’t Jutes a pretty small tribe that only had a small influence in a particular region?

Were you trying to be a comedian?

They were one of the 3 major Germanic powers in their time, along with Saxons and Angles. They had as much territory, and influence on Britain as Angles and Saxons.

Angelina's Adopted Daughter Was a Cute Kid, but What She Looks Like Now is Crazy

The Anglo-American race is a better successor to our Saxon ancestors than the English are

They were irrelevant and largely assimilated with the Saxons at the time of King Alfred, a Saxon king who invented the Anglo-Saxon identity as a way of appeasing his Angle subjects

>the Anglo-American race

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t. Kyle Kravchenko

I see, thank you. I was unaware that the term had been invented for that reason. I always thought it was more modern

t. Billy Rodrigo Gonzalez

You're off by about 5,000km but nice

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Let's clear it up
On the left is a guy who rubbed bacon grease on the door handles of mosques and had a long history of violent hate speech. He was serving a sentence that would have lasted a few months (< 1 year) when he overdosed on drugs
On the right is a guy who rubbed a girl's leg and chest over her clothes, was convicted, and will forever be a registered felon and sex offender.
It's still bad but not nearly as bad as your image suggests.

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lost brothers who have been corrupted by the gaul

>The Sun

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