Why do you hate money, user? I've been telling you about this stupid shrimp game for 2 days now...

Why do you hate money, user? I've been telling you about this stupid shrimp game for 2 days now. Everyone who got in is already 10x. We're still buying and hatching. Next stop 100x.

> EtherShrimpFarm.com

Attached: ingridromero1.jpg (640x640, 64K)

>Everyone who got in is already 10x.
sounds like it's far too late to get in to anymore

Not too late. I would wait for a dip before buying though.

where do i play this

Is this like powh? i got 3x from POWM and im happy with that. i saw it collapsing in a day so enough pyramid schemes for me.

was funny i saw one guy buying in with 73k right before it started collapsing and other guy with 45k going to sleep :D :D :D

> EtherShrimpFarm.com

I never played POWM so I can't say. This game has some very interesting shrimpanomics. The high level of shrimpflation allows new players to have a chance if they buy during a dip.

you THINK you'd be lucky if you land a woman like this
until you realize she doesn't cook or clean, she just spends her free time in the gym
physically strong women is a huge red warning flag

Attached: shaggy.jpg (420x360, 26K)

Lmao. Fitness chicks cook, trust me on that. The fancy bitches are the ones that dont.

that tight ass but man face

btw that's clever OP, buying the .com domain and redirecting to the real .net domain but with your reference id attached

can't believe ive actually never seen that trick before

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yeah im also a face man

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ironically I bet that guy fucks tons of pus because he looks so weird. Birth control fucks with womens hormones so they get attracted to weird and submissive men.


"i only act gay to get chicks"

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Good scam! Wonder if it would work with exchanges

Why would she cook and clean? That's why you hire a personal chef and maid with all your shrimp farming gains.

Women who don't cook and clean have more energy to suck your dick enthusiastically.

truth is after a few years a man naturally grows tired of whoever he is with. over tens of thousands of years we've evolved to want to plant our seed everywhere. without her doing any housework she'll eventually just become luggage

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Do you really think housework would save a relationship? Please get a clue.

yes? you stick around and are loyal to the woman of your children because she's useful. if all she does is look good and hit the gym you'll want to move on to a different woman soon enough.

Attached: happy negro.jpg (1024x1024, 203K)

this and they tend to be autistic as fuck