What's your local equivalent of the confederate flag?

What's your local equivalent of the confederate flag?

Attached: 1536519921916.jpg (800x533, 121K)

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Kesko logo

Attached: kkksupermarket.jpg (1200x1600, 345K)

I guess the Marshall's flag

> as a symbol for fascism and reactionary authoritarianism
Franco's flag
> as a symbol for the defeated side in the civil war
Republican flag

first white tile croatian chekerboard which is the historic variant, but communists changed it to first red tile so now thats mandatory or you are labeled ustasa

>severely assblasted reactionary landlords and generals launch an uprising after losing an election
I think your civil war was a direct sequel to ours.

FIlthy Roundheads

Attached: Oliver_Cromwell_(1653–1659).png (700x600, 56K)

You sound like a nigger loving cuck

>reactionary landlords and generals launch an uprising
thats carlist wars

francoists were much more liberal and modern

The south were the ones who built their entire society on niggers.

Our regular flag.


same flag but with 3 stars and Allahu Akbar is written in Saddam's handwriting

Attached: iq_sh.gif (324x216, 1K)

The Confederate flag
My neighbor flies it.

Russian imperial flag. I like it.

Attached: имперка.jpg (2560x1600, 2.39M)

Where do you guys live?

Yeah that's better than the current one for sure. I've always liked the Soviet flag.

Glyndwr’s banner the calling card of welsh nationalist retards

Attached: DB41D484-7E43-4E73-B31B-5D6B1E392B1F.jpg (1000x634, 145K)

t.patrick o'donnelly county wirral

muslim, jews and n*ggers out!

Attached: national_socialist_flag_of_the_netherlands_by_aryanlegion-dav8qhi.png (1024x614, 26K)

North Carolina. Just one more day and sweet sweet Florence will end my suffering. Probably take down the flag too.

why does it look like a cartoon flag of an evil cooperation?

>Glyndwr’s banner
I found this.

Attached: Draig Goch v banner Glyndŵr.jpg (640x480, 61K)

Stupid celts and their desire for sovereignty! Why can't they just accept they're part of a Muslim Kingdom? Bloody nationalists

nothing to do with nationalism and sovereignity is not as simple and dumb as you put it to be

Attached: 1200px-Canadian_Red_Ensign_(1957–1965).svg.png (1200x600, 54K)

Air force flag.

Attached: c6c84481.jpg (699x504, 98K)

Attached: Flag of Finland.png (2000x1222, 3K)

How does one pronounce these Welsh words that don't have enough consonants?

This flag was so much better looking

Probably these guys

actually based to be honest

St George’s Cross is typically flown by English (white) nationalists, but it’s not an expressively white nationalist symbol. A more niche and expressive white nationalist flag is the white dragon on a red field, which is an old symbol of the Anglo-Saxons. This type of flag is rare as fuck though, most skinheads and nationalists just use St George’s Cross.

The most obvious rebel flag is the flag of the Commonwealth of England, but Cromwell, puritanism and republicanism aren’t really that relevant to the modern English far right, despite Cromwell basically being a proto-fascist military dictator.

Attached: Reichskriegsflagge.jpg (1600x1200, 156K)

Attached: ns flagg.jpg (718x404, 179K)

based fashy aesthetics