Going to Singapore for 2 years. I will be working there in my uncle’s company

Going to Singapore for 2 years. I will be working there in my uncle’s company.

What should I expect? Are singaporeans racist? People? Culture? Cuisine? Dating?

Any tips? Things to do? Avoid?


Attached: 334DD9AC-FF9C-4FD2-8617-DF6DB31B4753.png (250x167, 2K)

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Are you white?

Youre going to an extremely safe country...

I mean.. I’m Nordic. That’s as white as it gets lol

if your uncle favours you just keep to his good graces and you'll probably get good pay

the place is just alot of shopping malls and some interesting sights, beyond that it's not much. well there is alot of nice food too but you'll have to dig around to find what is nice.

I see

What are some of the interesting sight? Is there a big european expat community there?

>Are singaporeans racist?
Yes. We are xenophobic too.
Greedy, rude and selfish
Worse than Malaysia
Lowest birthrate in the world.
>Things to do?
There's nothing to do
Coming here

Don't do drug, including weed.Follow law and don't be stupid.

Why are you racist? Well, I”ll be coming here anyways lol. Hopefully it’s fun and I meet some qTs

All drugs are illegal? I assume young people still smoke weed.

Look at these hideous abominations.

Attached: st_20170713_rvbeauty13b_3271024.jpg (1536x1024, 263K)

Could iron my clothes on the girl in the top right

Everything is beautiful.

Some are cute but the rest are indeed ugly.

Singaporeans are anti-sex. You'll fit in.

Attached: 32193655.jpg (400x400, 96K)

Dio mio! El globina del oriente

Attached: Screenshot_20180912-134547.png (720x1280, 703K)

3 bottom row looks like she wants to drug me and saw my limbs off.
I mean, I'd let her after a few drinks

Literally NPCs. Seriously.
Also ant size apartment.
Don't chew gum in public area, no eating in the train station (desu I got fined for that)

yes they hate whites and routinely lynch and publicly flog them

only like half of them are peng and the other half are definitely men

>I assume young people still smoke weed.
What did I just say? Don't be stupid, and you are being stupid. Do drug, and you either get flogged or get hanged.

>The possession, consumption, manufacturing, import, export, or trafficking of these and other controlled drugs in any amount are illegal. Persons caught with less than the Mandatory Death Penalty amounts of these controlled substances face penalties ranging from caning[9] (up to 24 strokes) to life in prison.

Oh Enjoy getting jailed like for an eternity

I remember when the old man died and we had the threads here and watched the funeral and everything as it happened. rip Lee Kuan Yew.

What the fuck.... How authoritarian are you guys? I know you’re not a democracy but this seems Saudi tier

look at the flag
>islamic cult runes
its going to be like this, pal

They're like the Swiss of SEA, probably richer per capita idk could look it up, cba. They're capitalistic not ideological although don't fuck around. English is first language I think. We may have created them.

>Omg I will die If I don't mah drug, mah human right!!!

Fucking degenerate westerners. No wonder your youngsters are all 420yolo gangweed lmao tards.

Jeez i think he are cancels the abroad plan now.

based singapore scaring junkies away

>degenerate westerners

Just visit Aceh. 1 hour plane from Singapore. Go to beach and buy cheapest weed. But don't drunk, they are islamic sharia province.

Congratulations you litteraly just won the lottery
Singapore is literally a ant nest. coming from iceland you will not believe how big it is for something that small geographically

>Lowest birthrate in the world.
Wait what
Aren't you muslim?

t. druggie

Have fun, seems interesting. Just one the law, and make the most of it

Obey the law*

Why are you even here?
Don't you have European Candle wick lengths to regulate Hans?


singapore is on par with western europe in terms of standard of living and such and on terms with a fascist state in terms of authoritarianism

>not doing drugs
what else is there to do in this depressing world?

>be singaporian
>spit in the streets
>get executed