I just want to feel the warmth of a female. 23 years is enough. For fuck's sake

I just want to feel the warmth of a female. 23 years is enough. For fuck's sake.

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Ceterum censeo Bruxellae esse delendam

Yea I'm turning 24 next month and still a virgin :(

>little girls call me uncle now instead of big bro

Attached: Screenshot_82.jpg (600x600, 32K)

go to a hooker then u moron

Be glad this was the card of misfortune you were dealt here in life my friend.
You could have been dealt a bad hand by getting cancer, having an incurable disease, having a family member pass away suddenly, or you could have been born stupid and incompetent to accomplish things.
But here you are, a healthy, intelligent, young man your only problem being an imaginary need for intimacy.
Be glad for the things you have, don't cry over the things you don't.

it doesnt count.

I had cancer when I was 17 (cured now) and am still a virgin at almost 24 now.

So count your blessings, be happy that you are still here today.

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