Why is my country ireland such a shithole?, i cant wait to finished my degree so i can emigrate

why is my country ireland such a shithole?, i cant wait to finished my degree so i can emigrate.

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come to brazil

where hearts were entertained in june, we stood beneth an amber moon.

isnt brazil really poor?

if you think ireland is shit you need to stop living in dublin

west brits and west brit mindset

that's a cool song

poor in what sense? there are still rich people even in my rural interior city. Just tought luck

I pay 50 dollars for three hours of cleaning OP.


Because of the Eternal Brit, they are responsible for all evil in the world.

dublin has the best jobs in the country, but the wages are fucking terrible, the taxes reach 50%, rent is worse than fucking hong kong, im thinking of trying my luck in cork, if i cant succed there, im getting the fuck out before it gets worse, to canda or australia, where at least i get benefits from my taxes

I lived in Dublin suburbs for almost 2 years. It's not a bad country but there's some cons like public transportation was never on time and houses are pretty shit tier.
Working culture was more "formal" which I found annoying

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there are so many brits living in ireland on the dole, they are fucking trash

you literally are all west british

you can paint your sidecar a different colour and call it something else but we both know who's driving

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really?, i read in geography class that brazil was an improverish country, maybe i might look into it, im a computer science graduate

Move here to Helsinki with me, you'll be my household slut. I'll cook and you'll suck dick for spondulicks.

If fleas infest a stable, the horse (me) remains a horse, the fleas (you) remain fleas.

actually wages are decent the only real problem in dublin is housing
but have fun in Canada, you’ll pay higher tax than here and since you’re not a citizen you dont get free healthcare etc. Also skyrocketing rent is affecting a lot of countries, not saying its not a massive problem here but you need to travel more if you think Ireland is terrible

I agree, Ireland is a shithole but realistically what can you do about it? Immigrants are at the bottom of every society so emigration isn't really a valid option unless you want to stoop that low

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the horse died long ago my man, you are a flea now

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he cant even spell a word, the idiot wont go anywhere, i doubt hes getting any degree unless its about posting frogs

I am a horse with no stable, surrounded by an ocean of fleas.

>irish hygene

why are brits so proud of this? evil, hateful bunch

i see, i would love to move there permanently, these other coutries with actual welfare systems that take of the taxpayer seem so nice, in Ireland universal healthcare doesn't really exist, but your fucking taxes pay for it. aparently dublin is especially bad, canadas real estate looks like a bubble, hopefully it will burst soon

Stay there. Like half your country came here in the 1800s and started our slow decline.

In brazil machete attacks and random murders on the streets are part of everyday life.

like old america

america was never like that, unless you lived on the ever expanding frontier where the indian might attack you

>complains to irish people about something his country caused with penal laws


but then i could shoot the basterd, i wish on the frontier, but then again i would be able to marry my cute chinese girlfriend in those days

Come to France white man

>brazil was an improverish country
third world countries like ours are not universally shit, there are some very good areas, decent areas and utter shitholes; such are the ways of rampant inequality


Spent a week going to all the cities and main attractions. Your architecture, ecology and wildlife makes Great Britain appear anaemic beyond belief. You really don't see where income boost comes in though in regards to the actual settlements. Drogheda is nice enough as can be Derry though there are rough areas everywhere (and don't get me wrong, every place has its hard parts, though you'd think for the Celtic tiger under decades of rapid-fire economic booms and progressive welfare reforms there would be less homeless than fucking Hull). Also your nationalist parties are redundant much as ours, not to be horrible but what is the point in becoming independent just to load your country with a migrant underclass with a higher birth-rate and marginal if any interest to engage in traditional aspects of Irish culture? That being said quality of life is obviously better than the UK, your roads despite tolls have actual maintenance (though public transport prices are still exorbitant), goods and services are also generally cheaper. What is with Galway though? People say its such a nice place - literally its just your average "high-tech" hipster tourist town with a square, a good cathedral and nothing else. Seriously, that's the nice thing about Drogheda - its nothing extraordinary but it suits its purpose and has its own landmarks without really trying to establish itself as a hotspot. Galway seems desperate to look cosmopolitan for no reason despite having literally nothing but a pack of flags and an alright Supermacs. Politicians seem no better really, though more comical in the GUBU sense.

One thing I will give you though is that Apache are far better than any of the main pizza chains, holy shit its repackaged Domino's but with far better price and triple chocolate cookies are the shit. Still when you only have cod and not haddock you are bound to be miserable.

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england might be worse than ireland, if you live youll relaise how many british fuckers live here, and how so many of them are on the unemployment benefit, my mothers estate is 50% british dole family

>Your architecture, ecology and wildlife makes Great Britain appear anaemic beyond belief.
For the most part, Ireland and Britain are very similar when it comes to architecture and the countryside. Both islands have shit nature to be honest - deforestation ruined it. As for architecture, Britain wins there. While it's similar in both countries - the UK can at least boast Edinburgh or proper built-up areas like the City of London or Canary Wharf
>What is with Galway though? People say its such a nice place - literally its just your average "high-tech" hipster tourist town with a square, a good cathedral and nothing else. Seriously, that's the nice thing about Drogheda - its nothing extraordinary but it suits its purpose and has its own landmarks without really trying to establish itself as a hotspot.
To be honest, all towns and "cities" in Ireland are pretty much the same with only Dublin and Belfast feeling different since they are actual cities. I've been in Galway and Drogheda and I have no strong preference between the two since realistically they're not much different. Perhaps you could favour Drogheda for not carrying any pretenses as you say. I believe Galway is pushed as tourist destination since it's supposed to be the most "Irish" of the urban settlements we classify as cities here. I assume this is simply by virtue of being beside the Gaeltacht because I don't see how it is more "Irish" than Drogheda or any other town in Ireland

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What's wrong with Ireland? Seemed breddy good when I went there.

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>brits are responsible for irish not learning a mandatory language

are you implying that the Irish are lazy and complacent?

Move to Boston and become king of our plastic paddies

irish, is fuckign stupid laguage i wish i never had to learn

>are you implying that the Irish are lazy and complacent?
Yes, but only when it comes to mental tasks. That's why our sport was by far the most successfully revived cultural asset because it just required physical effort and wasn't cognitively depleting. Why do you think we have a 92 IQ and our emigrants favour physical labour?

Not to be horrible but not to go all "grass is greener" but there are not really any ifs or buts about Irish architecture being better than British, you have actual stone, STONE, and colours that aren't cream or that sort of orangey-pink that is fucking everywhere. British buildings can be nice though they are in very small doses, red-bricks make even the nicest upper-class localities look like grim industrial shit-holes. Scotland does look far nicer than England though, will give you that. Also east Ireland pales in comparison to the west in terms of appearance, are they afforesting the island anymore? Its not like they don't have space for it.

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No we knew our language you uneducated cretin, penal laws made it forbidden and punishable to speak it which made it less and less used which was caused by the British, the only fucking good thing that came out of your country was Mads Mikkelsen.


I agree.
Brazil isn't a poor country anymore. But we still have more than 15 million unemployed or, how we say, on hidden labour market.
Some regions, especially the north and northeast, concentrate the largest numbers of poor people. On the other hand, those regions are the top 1 in tourism.
Some problems are drastic: basic access to clean water.
Things are more complicated now. There is a complex political scenario here. Far right has taken over, with military and ex-military candidates to presidencial and senate chairs.
The left and far left are broken apart and distant.
The liberals and center ones are a bunch of corrupts and old politicians.
We don't have nothing new here.
If you want to live in Brazil, with an excellent way of life, go to Santa Catarina. They're very organized, strong fish industry and a mini silicon valley.

duckduckgo.com/?q=santa catarina&t=ffab&iax=images&ia=images


Let me tell you something, as a guy from the great hole known as Balie Munna I can tell you that the constant shootings, robberies and attempt on my life by blacks and travelers in hoods make me want to move to Canada or America (because imo Britan's more fucked then us) BUT Ive met some pretty nice people in here that are about the only thing not making me want to jump out in front of the 13.

Gods speed, burgers, leafs and britbongs. May you guide me to a better life when I make enough money to leave.

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