...can an american explain this to me please?

...can an american explain this to me please?

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fuck if I know, it doesn't make any sense to me either

that guy's a brit anyway

)))anglos((( are mentally ill.Notice that anglos only survive becouse they either hide in islands or continents with rich resources, good climate and surrounded by seas and oceans.

I do, this is subversion of troupe
you don't have to like the idiocy, good thing it is not for you

Very punchable bongoid face

yours is the wrong region to try and disparage anglos

I think he means to say he's having a good time. Milk to prove his whiteness or belonging to the 50% of non-whites that can digest it, asian food because east-Asians are based AF and the OK sign to signal he's having an OK time.

Libtards btfo
Epic style!

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All of human race is against anglo cancer.

>that guy's a brit anyway
He's your problem now.

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libtards on suicide watch

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What's the deal with not looking in the eye?

>I'm eating Asian food, drinking milk, not looking you in the eye AND doing the OK sign

Attached: soy grin.gif (380x400, 197K)

jordan boomerson probably said that you should look the manager in the eyes when asking for employment, and alt righters made it a mantra.

That's called good piracy, mate.

but only anglos are human


>things rabble says

What's his problem?

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>looking you in the eye
but he's obviously not

Isn't that one of Jow Forums """"intellectuals"""""?

he is semi good businessman who knows his idiotic audience and makes good money lying to them.

yes. they love him


who /gaysextoownthelibs/ here

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It's kind of a huge thing when dealing with other people. My autistic ass realized only recently that most people consider it really rude when you don't make eye contact, and practicing it has made me get along with people a lot better.

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>good climate

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I don't know who he is but he's cute. Is he a Twitch streamer or something?

Tasmania and New zealand do have quite a nice climate.

It's fertile all year round and far more livable than Siberia. You also have large amount of natural resources and protected from invaders by sea. Life on ultra-easy mode, yet you retards have to input on medicine, science or industry,

You're telling me that basic stuff like "look someone in the eye when talking" is new information to the alt-right?

Basically it's all stuff that shitty left-wing media outlets associated with "White Nationalism" in some articles a while back. This was him mocking it for a laugh from what I remember.

There was a lot of this "Trump hand signal" joke stuff on Jow Forums and whatnot, too.

Alt-lite """people""" am I right?

How can you fucking look someone in the eye while talking? it's creepy as fuck and assumes too much intimacy which is impolite.

>eye contact

he's referring to this, you retards


No we don't. Over 90% of the country isn't suitable for human life, we have constant droughts and heats waves. On top of that, practically everyone is forced to live squashed along a small section of coastline because everywhere else is so bad.

>It's fertile all year round
90% of Australia is hot barren desert.
>You also have large amount of natural resources
Not significantly compared to many areas of Europe.
>and protected from invaders by sea
It isn't 1500 anymore.
>Life on ultra-easy mode
Nope, not at all. Our living costs are astronomical, social mobility is at a record low and our politicians are aggressively privatising utilities for their corporate overlords.
>yet you retards have to input on medicine, science or industry,
Your pig ignorance of Australian innovation isn't suprising but given how it would have been to spend a minute on the Google machine to look this up, I'm going to conclude that you're just another fucking oblivious cretin.

the absolute state of modern Jow Forums

Attached: Paul Joseph Watson Blaire White.png (605x136, 22K)

Unbelievably based and atomically redpilled

Jow Forums is a newer board to begin with.

try and have some tact you massive faggot

Some of our citizens are pure epicsauce, OP.

I don't get it.

Modern Jow Forums is literally plebbit, they're not only endemic over there but they are the opposite of the same "SJW" Tumblr coin.

Australia as a country has a life on easy mode, things like high cost of life are just your government being idiotic. Austrialia hasn't invented anything worthy, I could fly to Berlin and London and go to biggest market there and couldn't find anything made in Australia. From coal money you earn, you could invest into medicine, cure cancer or fly to mars.

Attached: australias-export-performance-in-2016.gif (1004x702, 31K)

So you stare at the ground when talking to someone?

So what is this image supposed to convey?

left: nobody cares what celebrities think about politics
right (same people): we care what celebrities think about politics now that they agree with us

don't derail the thread.

No, just not straight into the eyes.

Blaire White is a trap that reads Jow Forums

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Isn't that the ''imagine my shock'' guy?

Do Americans really not make eye contact when talking to people? If you're having a one-on-one conversation, there is literally no reason why you shouldn't maintain eye contact with them.

>the "redpilled" Anglo right-wing consider eating sushi, drinking milk, and making hand signals on social media to be on par with political activism of decades ago

Cringe and bluepilled.

Attached: the next generation of westerners.webm (720x720, 2.57M)

tact doesn't mean what you think it means. you retard.


No one on Jow Forums likes this guy though

No, it’s a big thing here. Not making eye contact while talking to people is either considered very rude or a sign of serious weakness.

Autist might tell you otherwise, but among normies you need to do it here.

He is not American you retard.

shut up you massive dongle spazz

I still don't know what's the deal with drinking milk.

>it's another r/edd/int/ cringely mocks the right cringely mocking the cringey left episode

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the sushi is supposed to represent cultural appropriation and the hand gesture symbolises wp. no idea what not looking in the eye and drinking milk means though

hahaha he just owned the libs xD

These responses are literally what he's doing, this is full circle cringe.

Not looking someone in the eye when talking to them makes you look like a submissive and insecure cunt. Unless you're a woman, then it's all right.

What if you're a woman but you want to be dominant?
Asking for future fanfics.

yeah pjw is retarded


he's a *Nglo tho
and judging by /brit/ they thing he's retarded

He's american

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>guy who rails on about soy ruining men by reducing their testosterone looks like a complete soyboy

I love your shitposts

why is he doing the soyboy mouth

I laughed so hard with this gif

You don't even need to make direct eye contact if it makes you uncomfortable. Just focus your gaze their general proximity like on the nose, or eyebrows, the other party won't really be able to tell the difference.

t. don't know anything other than one chart

>the millenial bomer

>A boomer outs himself not knowing it's "NAE NAE"

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i live in pasco and someone i know was literally planning on doing this

>why are *nglo right wingers so cringy.

Get on our level.

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>How can you fucking look someone in the eye while talking?

Because I'm not a pussy lmao.

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Sushi is overrated

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>"I'm fluent in Jow Forums"

Jesus what the fuck

Shifty-eyed hebe

liberals believe:
>eating asian food
cultural appropriation
>drinking milk
is nazi dog whistle
>not looking you in the eye
I have no clue
>ok sign
means "white power"

>gesture from Jow Forums
owh? I didn't even know that exist
t. lurker since 2009

are you serious? Britain has contributed more to science and industrialisation than Lithuania or just about any country in the world. what the FUCK are you talking about lmao

Illuminating. Who invents these crazy rules?

Some random girl on twitter whom Jow Forumstards perceive to be the queen of all liberals.

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w-why are you shitting on me, mate? what did I do to you?

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I thought it’s as old as Reagan’s “come down to the local job office, look him in the eye and give a firm handshake” or something like that?

Widdly scuds?

I wonder if that ever worked for anyone without a job history or a sob story