This is a list of work productivty per hour by country

This is a list of work productivty per hour by country.

Why the fuck is the rest of the world so lazy? Especially Japan and Korea, they work so much but don't get shit done? Korea is lazier than Greece for fuck's sake

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They work such longer hours that the average is lower.

we work more hours than japan, and at any rate no that's not how this works. if you aren't being productive at work, why are you at work? that's wasteful.

>countries that have longer work weeks are considered lazy
>countries where its less than 40 hours per work week are the most productive
>American education

In Japan they do their work in a couple of hours but they can't go home until their boss has gone and also when they left the office they go to drink beer so they spent all day "working" but not being productive.

yes, if you work long hours but aren't productive then you aren't fucking working and are lazy.

They're working themselves to death in Asia. Why is the US so retarded?


The key to sucess is work less hours but being more productive.

Take oil from Norway, banks from Luxembourg and Switzerland, military complex relying on magic money from USA and diamond trade from Belgium and lets see that list again.

it's average worker productivity so it'd large be unaffected you mongolic cretin, and it doesn't really matter since all you're saying is "well take away the really productive parts" like it's not fair that people in those sectors are productive.

sad you're lazier than fucking spain lmao

>finlandbelow spain

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The key to success is more money and more money comes in the form of me wasting two hours of my time at work doing nothing and then finishing it in overtime pay

It's a part of the culture unfortunately

absolutely retarded thing to compare

too many old people who just keep going to go to company

spain has a lot of unemployment, no? i believe the first to loose their jobs are the low gdp per hour people

Their work culture forces them to work overtime but there's something they won't tell you. Their work culture also instigates workers to sleep at work as this implies that they've been working hard and need a little break to rest.
How many of these insectoids pretend to work all day long doing menial shit and then take a nap after work schedule is over just to look good?

Another reason could be that actually working too much for long periods of time actually reduces productivity. If you notice, most coutries with higher productivity rates have the least working hours

Working super hard to make your boss money is cucked as fuck. Do the bare minimum and nothing else. Waste as much time on the job as possible.

imagine being someone who knows that they will go to work jsut for work during the morning and then you have all afternoon free. Wouldn't this make you more excited to go to work and finish it?
Now imagine you wake up during the night, go to work, spend the whole day at work, then leave working during the night just to do the same thing the next day. Woldn't this make you a be depressed and thus less productive?

But we all are lazy as fuck. The hardest worker in Spain would be considered lazy in northern Europe.

>blaming things on their elders

What has become of Japan?

because it clearly is cancer. everyone knows that.

>not taking pride in your work

I’d be miserable.


you don't have to work hard to be productive, you don't have to work long hours to be productive. productivity is always good. i'm a fan of being super productive at work and also working as little as you possibly have to

>Another reason could be that actually working too much for long periods of time actually reduces productivity.

Pretty sure this has been proven as a fact, and that 4 (or even 3) day work weeks could be ideal for worker productivity


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Its adjusted for working hours

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