I have a crush on an exchange student from China...

I have a crush on an exchange student from China. Are Chinese mainlanders conservative when it comes to dating outside their race? Does this whiteboi stand a chance?

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Just walk away,

How do you feel about Hegel?

The ones that come to America are the farthest thing from conservative.

How bout you just try instead of being an autist and talking about it on the internet

not really

Walk away

Chinks are fucking awful though. If you insist though they aren't that conservative when it comes to dating.

That said I'm not sure about the ones that come to Europe.

when it comes to dating they will 10 of 10 times choose a whitey

How are they not? They vote left in every election and on college campuses they're very much in the indoctrinated crowd. It could be because I live in Massachusetts but that's just the truth here.

She's not a "Chinese". She's a girl, you're a boy. Most people are heterosexual. Put two and two together and your dick in her pussy, you netherlandish hunk.

fob can't vote you idiot

That doesn't answer my question. How are they conservative? I've yet to meet a single one. And I'm left-leaning myself so before you call me a Jow Forumstard incel be my guest.

>international students
wow dude

he is talking about exchange students, real chinese want nothing to do with politics, you just haven't met any yet

The OP was talking about them being conservative regarding dating (they aren't), not about politics you sperg.

There was a story about a group of fob chinks in Canada recently protesting the arrival of rapefugees

What about dating in Vietnam? Do women there date outside their race?

Assuming you're white, she'd probably pay you and suck your dick 5 times a day to get a EU passport and a hapa baby

she came to the Netherlands for the sole purpose of getting bleached, you need to fulfill her desires

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Yes, just beware all her manlet chink friends
and family who will inevitably be butthurt. You can probably just step on them though.