How will this end?

Attached: venez.jpg (775x726, 126K)

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>asking China for money

Aren't they already massively in debt to China?

He'll get 不可以 for an answer


China gets all the oil they could ever want and a military base close to the USA

Do you actually believe that will happen?

they won't get a base but they could sell their oil

The Province of Chinese Caracas

Isn't their oil shit?

Pretty sure it happened in Africa?

China is the future,

oil is oil

name some chinese bases in africa

China will get venezuelan qts to solve its male overpopulation problem.

Every girl between 12 and 21 will confiscated and send to china

No I read it isn't worth much because it's shit and has to have a bunch of other stuff done to it.

Chinese Occupation of Venezuele (American Occupation of Venezuela)

propaganda, oil is easily refined and processed

The one in Djibouti? Kinda forgot but someone post the picture back then.

Pretty sure what happened? Africa has no oil and isn't anywhere near the US.

Are you hiding behind a proxy? You don't sound American.

China will not put bases, only stupid countries spend billions in a lot of bases around the world, in addition there are other ways of control, control economy, China maybe wants control of Venezuela's economy.

Why are "Australians" so paranoid about China? it is Venezuela that China will take this year not Australia.

They are close to SEA, the first victim of Chinks superpower ambition.

Half of Australian posters on here are ofchink descent and Australia has been a chink colony for like 2 decades now

we have been doing that and it has worked out great for us

He will get his country owned by nationalist Chinese interest.

your country hasn't won a war since it's independence

I was referring to France, I do not understand how France has a territory in South America, where is the UN and its plan for decolonization?

Attached: kvszi7v3tml11.jpg (1200x764, 150K)

Why the fuck don't we annex them already? At this pace the fucking chinks will do it before us

oil is oil bro, and theyve got barrels.

No their oil is shit and they can't even refine it.

French Guyana isn't a territory or a colony. it's directly integrated into metropolitan France like Corsica and people from there get EU passports.

It's high in sulfur and impurities need to be removed before refinement.

Brazil annex Venezuela?, just look at the level of democracy in brazil, are just as bad, right-wing populists who become self-attacked to gain popularity, socialists in full 2018 year, a new plan condor, a kind of Latin American gladio network, fuck , a financial crisis that would result in a subjection to the International Monetary Fund, at this rate brazil will be a new Venezuela, but from the extreme right as Argentina which is a Venezuela but neoliberal (light right)

>tfw the only country in the americas that border an european country

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>How will this end?

Y'all ever play Mercenaries 2: World in Flames?

The basic premise was that a three-way civil war occurs in Venezuela, with one faction consisting of soldiers for hire of private oil companies (assisted by the U.S.), another faction consisting of socialist revolutionaries (assisted by China) and the third being the existing government of Venezuela.

As the game progresses, the proxy forces of the Americans and Chinese are eventually replaced by actual American and Chinese military personnel. The proxy conflict risks becoming a formal war between China and the U.S., until a climactic moment near the end. Either the Chinese or Americans (whoever the player character chooses to support) takes over Caracas from the Venezuelan government. The Venezuelan dictator responds by dropping a nuclear weapon on his own capital city, insisting that Venezuela shall be obliterated before it is allowed to be controlled by foreigners.

Attached: Mercenaries_2.jpg (1280x1920, 423K)

>tfw the only country in the americas that border an european country
Canada sort of does. There is that little French island.

The 1st one was so much better

Suriname borders French Guiana to the west you brainless Brazilian.

Not a country you pseudo intelectual brainlet canacuck

this must be the famous Brazilian education

Attached: 1535480893867.jpg (612x574, 66K)

>a Canadian has to educate a Brazilian on South American geography

the absolute state of Brazil

return the island to mexico, french invaders

Attached: clipperton.png (600x549, 127K)

It has been since 1975

Aw man

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brazil is arguably in the same or worse condition than venezuela