How useless would you be if you got drafted by your countries army suddenly?

How useless would you be if you got drafted by your countries army suddenly?
>I'd literally just be a walking casualty and medical nuisance.

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As an American, the most they could do is drop me from an airplane and hope the impact of my fat ass creates a massive earthquake that knocks the enemy troops over.

I'd find a way to get myself killed immediately.

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Im fit, and do what im told. Im a bit quiet so i might get hazed a little but id be alright

I can pilot a helicopter, so they’d probably find something horribly for me to do.

Shouldn’t be hard in Australia.

I'm in a relatively poor shape, near sighted and generally unskilled. Just name a skill and I'm mediocre at it at best. I barely remember what I was taught during my service. I could soak up a bullet or two I guess.

I know German so maybe I get stationed in Germany? Of course the army probably doesn't give 2 fucks what you speak.

Knowing another language can definitely have an impact on where you’re stationed.

I can do the pt test easily but idk about being mentally fit

If the US Army wants to pay for lasik surgery, I think I could go a day or two without a friendly fire.

I'd just be another body waiting around base they have to pay

>medical nuisance.

What do you mean? If you have a medical issue that makes you a nuisance, they won't draft you dumb fucking faggot.

Holy shit people on Jow Forums are so fucking retarded.

In wartime recruiters wont hesitate to get you a waiver

What do you do in an army?

i cant march because im too fat but i shoot a lot. i bet i could be a good .50 cal turret gunner or a tank commander.

Pretty useful considering I was already in the Army

>if you got drafted by your countries army suddenly?
I wouldnt because I would evade draft.

wouldn't you just get stuck in the hatch

>and do what im told

Pretty useless. It's been 8 years since the military service and I've forgotten most of the stuff. Really ineffective system if you ask me if you don't train while in reserve. But hey at least our military looks big on the paper

Every leader has followers

I'd do decently I think. I've some experience with shooting guns, I have a background in chemistry and physics, I can repair and fix cars and other moving vehicles, I'm a good camper, etc.

i doubt it i can suck in my gut pretty far and the hatches arent that small

anyone that needs followers or leaders should kys

What good is a army with no leadership

what good is an army in the first place? btw im this guy just to get your perspective

Army is needed for state sovereignty

what do I care about this crap?

Shut up. It's a hypothetical dumbie.

So you arent living in anarchy

I would go to jail over being drafted to kill brown people for my retard government

I just said I would evade draft which is worse than anarchy because its me vs the world not everyone vs everyone.

OP you still here?

id be the perfect soldier