Do people left beautiful Asian women in your county?

Do people left beautiful Asian women in your county?

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most asian girls dont look like that

why white people are supposed to racists but they want other race girl as waifu?

I don't understand white people completely.

I quite seriously read your voice with the accent of that Nobita.

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Most white girls don't look like that.

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do u like nobita?

Asian women is the best women.

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It's not that unusual to see girls like the one in your pic and the OP. They aren't terribly common but go to any college town and you'll see some. Asians that look like OP and your pic are definitely rare and only look okay because they've had massive amounts of plastic surgery.


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insect bugmen race has to be exterminated

WY peepu are ugly

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>tfw no chinese wife

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>Asians that look like OP and your pic are definitely rare
No they aren't, you're just in denial about white women needing tons of makeup and/or surgery merely to look presentable.

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Every single girl in any developed country wears fake up

The fact is no one wants to date white roasties. I'm not going to hold it against you, but if you come after another country's women you're going to get called out. Go to the deep south or some midwest flyover state where white women are still sought after.

Just stop bothering the rest of us please.

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Based and redpilled.

this but that also doesn't ignore the fact that Asians need plastic surgery plus shit tons of makeup to look presentable. And those types of Asians are rare, both in the West and in Asia.

You're also delusional if you think people don't want to date white women or that there aren't any Asian roasties. That being said, whatever cope helps you get through the day. Have fun on your sex tourism trip.

Whatever you say, roastie.

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Interracial relationships are incredibly rare. This paranoia is hilarious lmao

I'm white and married Asian. I prefer Asians and Latinas but know this is partly just because I'm bored of white girls.

White girls do have things like blonde red hair etc. going for them that can be really aesthetic, but Asian girls are typically more feminine, neotenous and petite.

But the real reason I didn't marry a white girl is that they're mostly not longterm relationship material.

Don't let the door hit your fat flaky ass on the way out.

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I like Chinese girls desu

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am I wrong for thinking the asian gf might be cute but isn't she fucking boring? what does she like to do

It's even worse they'd want to reproduce with uggo shit race gooks like pinoynigs and chinks


are you bogan?

No actually wog (italian) but I've seen too many decent looking blokes going out with really ayylien like chinks with shit teeth or hideous looking jungle chinks that are probably in it for the money

It just tells me they don't have good enough social skills and they have to sloop down to getting an Asian gf

Why do you fedoras say you're intelligent when you're so ignorant?

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Anyone who prefers left to right is a weeb or has some other kind of fucked up feitsh

I really want to racemix with an Asian girl and raise a hafu daughter
is this normal?

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Same but terrified in case I had a son.



>tfw want hapa kids, but I am a hapa

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Girl on the left is objectively prettier not even an aisan vs white thing just two people where one is more attractive

Who could be behind this

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Not a white woman or talking about white women in general but the woman in the white OP pic is clearly far more beautiful than the Asian woman.

Whatever helps you sleep (alone) at night, Beatrice.

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I'm pretty sure a mixed son would be fine if you keep America style race identity politics away from him
it seems to me like all the nutjob hapas who shitpost here are from American/Anglo countries, I suspect because in said countries Race is the main group identity instead of Nationality/Culture/Religion like in other parts of the world

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>white """women"""
keep 'em

Why are half of the girls/guys in these cherrypicked race bait images some kind of slav shit?

Russian gold diggers/trophy wives

i want to fuck your hafu daughter

Only 2 people on the pics are slavs

>wanting wh*te “””””women”””””
Why do asian guys have such shit taste?

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asian girls without surgery look like deformed slant eyed pigs

im sorry, it’s just fucking true

why would i want a black haired black eyed child when i can have a beautiful blue eyed blonde child?

>Interracial relationships are incredibly rare.

Maybe in Kansas or Wyoming, but everywhere else it's pretty common. I see plenty of mixed couples in my neighboorhood and most of the black guys at my job have white gf/wives.

an average korean girl is prettier than that lol. i mean they are obviously plastic fantastic but still. vietnamese and thai girls are meh imo, i have just printed my train tickets in a booth where there were an average russian and an average vietnamese girl, the russian one was way more pretty... not prettier than an average korean tho

im not a vietnamese ofc

why do you even care about the hair and eye color of your child, isn't it somewhat pedophilic

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only after marriage

Hungarians are extremely racist because they live in a third world shithole and only get information about the outside world from Jow Forums memes.

Because he is a self hating hun who wants to be Germanic, but unlike his ancestors he is too beta to ride into a village and kidnap the fairest blonde maiden and force her to be his wife

She looks pretty average to me

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>whyte w*men

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choose carefully white man...

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This, having lived in Japan I can confirm that Korean girls and Japanese girls have ridiculous make-up/cosmetics skills


I'd rather have an abortion than a gook halfbreed.

>elliot roger
I said white man not jewish man

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Only if the father is beta.

If not, you get an admiral.

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I choose the hapa

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every shitskin have black hair and eyes, it so common and nothing special,having blue eyes and blonde hair is faaaaar prettier

third world shithole like detroit or wyoming?

you guys just want asian gf because shes not going to laugh at your micro penises :Dd

Damn this guy is so ugly

There's something about the blonde's eyes that scares me

It's completely normal

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That's pretty disturbing tbqh

I only see a cute father-daughter interaction

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Alexa this is so sad

jesus christ I went to high school with this guy

based and redpilled

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Have you seen his meme pictures? They used to be the talk of the internet

his quentin comics? yeah I had no idea he was who he was until /v/ revealed his identity

I'd rather racemix with the hafu herself

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What is wrong with haifu womenz

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she doesn't even look half-white. such weak genes

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Why not both?

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>such weak genes
You wish you could be like him at 44 years old

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fetishist freaks

Based sabinaposter

i probably will look like that at 44 or better. asian dont raisin

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Prove it, timestamp your muscles

2 hafus daughters already

Asian women > all other

Luckily they seem to think white men > all other, so it all works out well

Way ahead of you

>wife may have a hapa in the belly already

Meet another hapa then, there seem to be plenty nowadays

you're not lying.i've seen some ghoulish looking white guys with really pretty asian girls before its kind of annoying

t. Sexpat

That's irresponsible though, it probably won't last (or she'll cheat). I snagged an asian girl myself, but I made certain she was about on equal terms with the in the looks-department. That's the intelligent way to find a woman, then she won't wake up one say and feel "jesus, I could have done better..."

i love these threads because good looking people get posted from both sides

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