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Give me another one like SDRL or CHK to make fucking money off of or fuck off.
Jacob Long
If youre in CARV get out tomorrow lmao
Carver Bancorp, Inc. (the "Company") (NASDAQ: CARV), the holding company for Carver Federal Savings Bank, has noted increased trading activity in the Company's stock. While the Company's general policy is not to comment on market rumors or speculation, including market activities, the Company confirms that it has not taken any corporate action that would explain the trading activity and is not in possession of any material, non-public information that would prompt the trading activity. Further, to the Company's knowledge, no insiders have sold or acquired any of the Company's shares recently. The Company is committed to working with regulatory agencies and professionals to insure a fair and efficient market for its securities.
Nobody that app is shit, and the stock is overpriced.
Carter Cook
Cashed out 30k today for the down payment on a swanky downtown condo. Feeling very comfy.
Logan Nelson
up 2.6% today
Ethan Edwards
Buy NWL Summer is the discount before school kids and stuff buy elmers glue
Benjamin Robinson
They are using it to make this goo shit now too. Its like fidget spinners all over again.
Jace Brown
>swanky how old are you
Isaac Rodriguez
For a feature segment for the smg weekly podcast, I'm going out tomorrow and interviewing dumb college kids about investing. What questions should I ask them to get the best material?
HMNY and RIOT will unironically make all those with strong hands rich. There's going to be a lot of blood for sure, but that's just fuel for the rocket to the moon.
Ian Gomez
lol no, fuck that. It's, like, not even 3 months since IPO.
Oh fuck lol where'd you get that?
Heard some stuff from the CEO of my company yesterday that was very insider info. Sitting on 5k of stock from ESPP that I almost cashed out a week ago and I'm now super happy that I didn't.
Christian Gutierrez
so i accidentally'd my whole settled cash today
but it gave me time to think about something. obviously, vol has calmed down a bit. for whatever reason it hasnt returned yet, but i was thinking of a non idiot way to short VIX.
basically, rather than getting on the leveraged rollercoaster that is UVXY, you buy up 100 lots of SVXY. when vol starts to pop (making the IV on the ETN pop) you sell covered calls against it. if it looks like were getting another volpocolypse, you can always get a protective put too. but failing that, it should be a relatively foolproof strat.
anyone see any logical flaws in this? obviously low return, but i mean thats kinda the drawback with these "safe" strats
Chase Bennett
Ask if they believe married couples should share their finances.
If they say "yes" ask them why, and really press them for an answer.
Adrian Cox
it actually IPO'd about 3 years ago now. will be 3 years on may 22
Levi Clark
>if it looks like were getting another volpocolypse, you can always get a protective put too. The put would be extremely expensive from IV tho, right?
i mean thats like ABSOLUTE worst case scenario and it looks like the ETNs gonna get LIQ'D (which may or may not be possible now thanks to SVXYs deleveraging)
Jackson James
showed up on my IB newsfeed, thought it was hilarious
That is 100% incorrect. Are you sure that you're thinking of SPOT -- Spotify? They IPO'd just a few months ago, after doing some kind of wild convertible debt to equity deal for quick marketing growth within the last year
Xavier Johnson
yeah it shouldnt be possible. it was when it was -2x VIX but now its -0.5 VIX. worst that can happen is that it crashes down 49.999999999% in a day. fuck, thats better than most of my options plays
Landon Perez
I don't have much time for it, but I'll go out and film tomorrow
holy fuck please ask them about shitcoins we need more material to poke fun at cryptokiddies
Nathan Cruz
Lmfao, trolled nicely. Read the file name carefully
Brody Wood
Hey shit I'm dumb. Fucking nicely played.
Jaxson Hall
vol is down and the market has been trend-less for a long time. after a long listless period, the market will go with the path of least resistance, which, historically, is up. to go down and break the long-term trend, there must be a reason. absent a compelling reason, listless markets return to uptrend
Oliver Sullivan
Mason Smith
>thanks to SVXYs deleveraging What are you talking about? I'm pretty sure it was never deleveraged. After the VIXplosion, XIV was delisted because they either went below 0 or felt bad about investors that got screwed. SVXY's backers, on the other hand, were like "Yeah, it did what it's supposed to do. Shit sucks, but it's on you." I think some dumbasses tried to start a lawsuit, but there's no substance to it. kek
Jackson Carter
Ask them if the means of reproduction should be seized by the state and redistributed to the people. If they say no, ask them why they're okay with incels shooting up schools.
Asher Russell
>after doing some kind of wild convertible debt to equity how do i buy this? ive been fucked by convertibles before on AMRS i wanna wield that power
Owen Perry
no my dude, pay attention to what I said
Tyler Johnson
oh my fucking sides
Brody Hernandez
no SVXY is definitely deleveraged now. it wasnt directly afterwards, but it is now i assure you. i was just looking at it. kinda bummed as its options were way pricier when it had the lev
Dominic Gomez
kek. everyone gets them conused so i thought id fuck around a little. even andrew left, when he came out with citron researches report shorting Shopify, on the headline of their first article, they mistakenly called it "Spotify"
Wyatt White
trips demand this
Kayden Carter
You're doing God's work there Mr. Comf cannot wait to see this
Hudson Moore
When the fuck are my Telstra shares going to go back up? I'm basically just holding out for 5G at this point.
Easton Ramirez
They are too fucked to come back. At least SDRL was sitting on billions of dollars worth of assets.
Joseph Myers
when the reverse split happens and no sooner
Jaxon Rogers
Ask a girl if she knows what a short squeeze is.
Carson Foster
The what?
Robert Diaz
Ryder Nguyen
Nathaniel Cruz
Added excellent I have to go wage cuck now, but I'll try to get the "documentary" published by wednesday!
Dylan Thomas
dis gon b gud
Colton Perez
Oh shit, you gotta ask them something about savings accounts or cryptocurrencies. Savings accounts don't outpace inflation and nobody seems to fucking realize that. There's so many brainlets out there with not a fucking clue about how economics or currencies work, even in my own fucking company. >"I want a cryptocurrency that I can just buy and hold for 5 years and forget about" >buying cryptocurrencies that pay "dividends" It's the most brainlet shit out there. Then, whenever I confront them about how absolutely stupid these ideas are, this one fucking dumbass will say >lol let's all just admit that none of us understand how cryptocurrencies work I also hate the kikes that go >Bitcoin is a meme but the (((blockchain))) will actually be useful
I'm obviously the inflammatory autist of the group
Luis Lee
futues in the red Nikkei Gap down imminent. Its a sell short term
Should I just fomo into oil? BTE and OAS havent mooned yet.
Charles Lewis
Fuck no, their stock could suck it up even more until like 0.20
Why the fuck would I want to lose money on that retarded shit. I want another fucking SDRL or CHK
Isaiah Robinson
Tomorrow may very well be the best time to buy in. There's still a good chance of it going down to $0.25, but we could damn well be hitting he bottom tomorrow before the short squeeze. Besides, if you have strong enough hands to hold through a 66% loss, it wouldn't even matter when you bought in. It's definitely going up to $7 before the end of the month.
Jaxon Gray
>Bitcoin is a meme but the (((blockchain))) will actually be useful im unironically one of these kikes
i think this iteration of crypto is doomed to die a fiery death. this iteration will NOT be the one that ends up replacing currencies. however, after BTC collapses and the alt/NEETpocolypse happens, there will be tons of people trying to use the tech for SOMETHING. and so a couple of years go by, blockchain becomes commonplace tech that everyone accepts. THATS when there will be a serious concentrated effort on making a stable currency thats backed by the tech.
as it stands now, a couple more spikes and horrendous dips, and ONE big crash will be all it will take to shatter an already stressed out market imo. at that point, the bankers will deliver the final blow and itll be like the IMF w gold.
but really, when in the history of any invention/idea ever, has the first iteration been the one that succeeds forever
could you... uuhh.. like.. include previous thread in the OP? thanks
Angel Garcia
I think coffee futures are the play these comming months. It should start going up due to hawaii shenanigans
Leo Lewis
Ok buddy, end of the month isn't that far away.
Chase Young
>I'm going to look into that. >I'm still skeptical. i mean i think youre correct about them being able to throw out lawsuits etc, but im pretty sure either the SEC, or the fundmanager was like "huh, maybe we shouldnt 2x back our ETN on a thing that can triple in minutes?"
the surprising thing is that they got away with it for so long
Samuel Robinson
comfy doesn't even know what a short squeeze is tho
Jason Cox
too poorfag to play futures is there anything/any ETFs optionable? ive been doing alright on all of my seasonal plays (corn and oil). dat inflation
this is entirely beside the point the point is to see comfy ask women what a short squeeze is
Easton Murphy
What's even the benefit of blockchain itself? It doesn't seem like it could really be used for anything. Obviously that's how a lot of great tech starts, but I really just don't see the potential of it actually becoming useful. Bitcoin is going to stick around for a while, but that's just because everyone thinks of it as the original cryptocurrency and an easy way to make money, rather than it actually having any real use. Also calling $36k by January. Yeah, shit's going to happen fast as fuck. Up and down 100%s in just a couple weeks.
Xavier Sullivan
come on teh profit do the golden bull dance like so
yeah but when they ask what it is then whats he going to say?
Andrew Rivera
>but really, when in the history of any invention/idea ever, has the first iteration been the one that succeeds forever That's a good point.
>there will be tons of people trying to use the tech for SOMETHING There already is. That is literally right now. And it's not useful for shit. Anybody that tries to use the shitty alt-coins for what they claim to solve will see this. Back in 2013 in the Mt. Gox run, it was just a fuck ton of currencies with no differentiation between them aside from the name and logo. This current run has various spins of the tech -- thus all the stupid white papers packed with buzzwords.
Christopher Bailey
hodling shopify since double digits (canadian version) not selling till 2023
>Ask a girl if she knows what a short squeeze is
"yeah, like literally, its when, like, that creepy indian dude on the bus grabs your boob, and squeezes it really fast, like half a second, literally, then runs off"
Nathaniel Harris
Not tons of volume though
Bentley Garcia
>What's even the benefit of blockchain itself? oh holy shit a bunch of stuff. form encrypting and transmitting data, to the next level of user forum/imageboard, to kodaks idea of getting artists paid for their IP, thots/camwhores getting paid on a coin based website. so many fucking ideas. the problem is that everyone is focused on making the coin (mostly so they can just exit scam etc) and doing that aspect, or worse, some billion dollar NEETs pump the thing to the moon, it crashes and then youre stuck with a good idea on a dead coin. so many of these crypto ideas would be better off (and probably more profitable) sans the crypto coin aspect of it
>yeah but when they ask what it is then whats he going to say? again. missing the point. the point is the spaghetti that will be spilled. it will be tremendous
>This current run has various spins of the tech -- thus all the stupid white papers packed with buzzwords. thats the part im saying it needs to grow out of first. theres good ideas that get drowned on shit coins. its gonna take a few years before everyone forgets and it goes back to being legitimate in many peoples eyes (which is the thing that a currency/tech/idea needs more than anything: legitimacy in the eyes of the public)
Dylan Perry
What happened to the Walmart hype?
Jace Davis
i cant dance m8 its no use
Kevin Morales
No one cares about comfy, give me better picks.
Jonathan Richardson
Dish network
Dylan Price
>What's even the benefit of blockchain itself? Exactly.
First, it creates an immutable write-only database. Which can be done other ways much more efficiently.
Second, you can use it to perform transactions in which neither party trusts the other This is rarely ever necessary.
However, the technology requires an incentive (currency pay-out) for keeping the show running. A consequence of this is that blockchain technology is really only applicable when used in a currency.
Owen Fisher
im gonna write covered calls against SVXY when vol spikes. if vol continues as normal, it should give me a couple percent a day on the stock, and i can squeeze a couple extra percent out of the trade when it moves against me via the covered calls (which will have inflated premiums due to high IV). worst case is the stock gets called away (which is fine by me)
Landon James
>However, the technology requires an incentive (currency pay-out) for keeping the show running this is where i think that the seperation of the two ideas (blockchain and currency) is gonna be crucial. theres certainly other ways to keep the lights on rather than transforming your tech into some depraved asset class
Dylan Gomez
>again. missing the point. >the point is the spaghetti that will be spilled. it will be tremendous he should still know the answers to the questions he is asking...
Nolan Martin
random questions brah: in 2140 after the last BTC is mined (i know the difficulty will be insane and it ill take a long time) where th incentive to keep the netwirk going? miners no longer get payouts, why would they keep the network going? will it die? or is this irrelevant because sometime in the next century someone is bound to crack the codes of BTC seeds and be able to hack into dead wallets that have been dormant since 2010? that would make it irrelevant also.
Mason Bennett
DRYS I heard they're getting bought out by CARV soon
hmm now im really thinking. lets say im doing this SVXY thing. vol starts to pick up, i write some high IV cocksuckers ATM (or maybe a little ITM). then i turn around and use the credit to buy OTM calls on UVXY, which due to its 2x leverage, will outpace the rate of SVXY. then i sell the calls on UVXY when the vol is calming back down, and use my gains to buy more SVXY. rinse repeat. basically get myself free calls for UVXY, rather than using real money on them
Parker Cooper
Why is CARV going up?
Isaac Wilson
>where th incentive to keep the netwirk going? I believe all transactions will require some kind of fee to the miner, like at the peak in December -- it cost something like 20$+ to make a transaction. That extra cost was in pay-outs for the miners
>again. missing the point. >the point is the spaghetti that will be spilled. This. comfy doesn't have to say anything about what a short squeeze is. You'll get to hear a vapid cunt giggle and say something atrocious. What comfy understands about short squeezes is immaterial here.
>rather than transforming your tech into some depraved asset class If only. If any project is able to use the blockchain without a currency, it would restore some of my faith in humanity. I have yet to see such a project tho.
Jaxson Hughes
>If any project is able to use the blockchain without a currency, it would restore some of my faith in humanity. I have yet to see such a project tho. then keep it in mind. youre more savvy than i am with tech of all sorts. i guarantee that this is where the moneys at (sans if youre just making a coin to do the ol' pajeet exit scam). the digits weve both been getting about this strengthen my resolve and my boner