Grove Street. Home

Grove Street. Home.

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I had one like that.

what i thought it was just an anglophone thing that was weird enough

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Why would it be you dumb bogan

i swear to god i still have it somewhere
have to go digging

why was this shit everywhere?

its not that impressive but it was weird when i saw Australian social media posts about it, and then other anglophone ones. I don't have any non english shit of facebook so its even weirder now
its even in english

everyone had one, but no, not me. had to take my model cars to friends place to play


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this, i wanted one so bad

wtf, that's mine

Because it's so simple but genius.

Same, though I didn't have friends or hotwheels toy cars.

Me and my brother had the same one

we went outside and made little roads, houses, garages and shit with trash, rocks, leaves and sticks
there was this one kid that had a vw beetle, he was the top dog of the crew
i had a porsche and a bmw, i had exquisite cars, sold a lot of them because i had a bucket full of them, uncle sent them to me from germany
we had tiny cars, hotwheels size, beat the shit out of anyone who tried to bring bigger cars or play with us without permission, we had the best spot in between 2 birch trees, ground was solid yet had the perfect layer of sand to clear a road

My friend's kids have this even here and now. It's everywhere.

I had a cubic meter of sand in front of the house under a pear tree. We would make a whole construction site with a quarry, crane, sand bunkers and a lot of roads around it and then drive our toy trucks. carpetboys will never know this feel

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>tfw had both the carpet and a sandbox
nisam isti bosanac kojem si odgovorio btw

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same exat one

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only (((((((((rich))))))) kids had this

I'm not rich

When kid was into cars, had a lot of micro machines.
>friend had that thing, another one has the MM Camper that turn into a city
>i had immagination
>fuck immagination.jpg
>had available some cardboards
>build a 3x1 meters foldable 3D playset
>apartament buildings, gas station, supermarket, police station, parking lot, an highway with a suspension bridge
>shit is cash
>however one player available

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Phonebooth house


Bus station
Parking lot


The churches

I didnt have one. I played in my backyard because im not a fag.

Can I move to your country?

Oh the sweet memories.
At least it's not a british roundabout.

good shit
why are roads so cool as a kid