Beautiful gypsy females, do they exist?

Beautiful gypsy females, do they exist?

Attached: 250px-Tolstoy_sarra.jpg (250x292, 11K)

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If they're less than 16 maybe, before they turn into ogres

all shit-poor women are pretty until they hit adulthood
pedophilia wasn't only a thing, it wa as a necessity in the past

Gipsies receive so many gibs (plus all the drug money) they live better than any of us

>Gipsies receive so many gibs
in your country
reconsider quitting socialism

Welfare state is not socialism.

we don't have gypsies at all, but this is my impression as well

If they would live better, they wouldn't shiv each other

No, and if they' do they're 13 years old and already married to their cousin.

No, they arent even human. We had the right idea about them back then

Spanish gypsies let their women dress like whores all the time, as long as they don't interact too much with males. So you see gypsy families, and their 14 years daughter with beautiful dresses.

She isnt gypsy.

I know. But the song is really nice and gypsy-themed.

Attached: 1526216034128.jpg (1024x768, 288K)

Yes ive seen a hot young gypsy woman, they quickly get really fat tho

It's funny you ask this, I was literally going to make the same exact thread today after having watched Hunchback for the first time in forever and realized I had never seen a real, attractive gypsy.

Attached: esmeralda frollo.jpg (1920x1080, 303K)

This, most of them marry at 13 and become monsters. I have to say tho that those who decided to scape and marry payos (non gypsies) are some of the most beautifull and down o earht women that I know. And also give birth to the only thing that gypsies fear... The mercheros.

Spen here btw

Esmeralda in original novel was a french girl stolen by gypsies

Yes, and if I remember correctly Frollo ends up killing her and Quasimodo kills himself afterwards.

Have you read Mysteries of Paris?

Yes, but 99% of them look like Shrek but brown

that's what they call it
yours is communism instead

No but it looks pretty interesting and I like older publications, maybe I will. I like the style for sure.

>that's what they call it
They call egoism hedonism, though hedonism is something greater.
Never mind the illiterate fucks.
Me neither. I've seen the movie based on it with Jean Marais. As far as I know it has little to nothing in common with the novel.