Poland says it will block any EU sanctions against Hungary

EU bureaucrats and Macron are SEETHING

Polak, Węgier, dwa bratanki, i do szabli, i do szklanki!


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good job

>fuck off oppressor!!.jpg

Just kick them out of the EU and NATO

The eternal Russian

Seriously, why can't you people get it through your thick heads: NO MEANS NO

can they not vote to kick these two out? its obvious they don't share everyone else's self-cuckolding mentality

Based Poland!

do another 1956 pls

Lemme cooperate with the US again...

It seems you simply don't understand that you can't put your national interests above the EU national interests. Being in the Union also means to share, not only to obtain something.

I wish our gov would do the same we opposed the sanctions too :(


just like Germany does it when it needs a new gas pipeline that is against the EU rules
stupid Russki, you don't understand a thing about the EU, do you?

Based, wish we would join in on the veto. Fuck censorship, fuck i*migrants and fuck retarded German politicians.

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>just like Germany does it when it needs a new gas pipeline that is against the EU rules
lolwut? how is it against the EU rules? against which one, exactly?
don't forget that Hungary use Russian gas aswell

>don't forget that Hungary use Russian gas aswell
Is that a thinly veiled threat??!

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I mean you should take a look at yourself before insulting Germany for buying gas from Russia

A liberal communist Dutch EP member is holding a speech over human rights and Hungary.
"Before the speech begins, you must get on your knees and worship EU and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the Europe has ever known, even greater than the Frankish Empire!"

At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Christian Pole champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and the Hungarian border fence and understood the necessity of closing down Europe's borders and fully supported all domestic decision made by the Hungarian people and their representatives the Hungarian National Assembly stood up and held up a map of Poland.

"How old is this country?"

The arrogant Dutch smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied "Around 14 years Poland didn't exist before the EU"

"Wrong. It’s been 1052 years since God personally baptised the Polish nation. If it was 14 years old and immigratio, as you say, is beneficial… then it should be an Emerite now"

The MEP was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Soros Plan. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears.

The students applauded and all registered to the real EPP that day and accepted Orbán as their European president and savior. An eagle named "Europe of nations" flew into the room and perched atop all the 27 flags and shed a tear on the chalk. The Hungarian constitution was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted strong borders across the continent.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.

FYI: every single one of those people are jewish

I feel it's time for new divide of Pooland.

This was always known.
Poland and Hungary are protecting each others asses in votes.
I could have told you this 6 months ago.
The EU will still shit on both countries next time the budget is planned because while it take unanimity it's Hungary and Poland that will get nothing if the budget never passes because of them blocking.
The long con of this is far from a sure thing and allies like Salviny (junior partner in his own government) and Kurtz (already backstabbed you once) are unreliable follow their own fickle interests.
I'd be worried if my government was playing games like this.

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Everything between Germany and Russia should be deleted


I wish
Germany is volunteered to pay to the Palestinians after America stopped

Could you do something about us recognising p*lestine?

How can the EU hope to both contain Russia and alienate the V4 at the same time?

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based plumbers

>kick them out of NATO
why? we don't give a shit about their immigration policies nor is it relevant to NATO membership anyway.

Leave the EU and assassinate S*r*s

Poland and Hungary are filthy leeches just like their women


EU (Germany) doesn't want to contain Russia. Also V4 is divided over Russia. We and the Slovaks have no beef with Russia. Czechs are whores. Poles hate them. So it would be easy to destroy the Polish+Hungarian alliance over Russia. It's just EU is led by literal retards, who never set foot East of Strasbourg so they have no idea how this part of Europe works.

Ah, I see. Thank you Attila.

>they have no idea how this part of Europe works.
Germans and Russians truly have an idea how this part of Europe work

I wish Russia were still there for us to protect our countries from democracy and human rights

We’ve been only receiving threats for 3 years now and the EU still hasn’t done shit
But surely they will show us this time, right?

How would it alienate us?

We can only benefit from not having to compete with Poles and Hungarians! Even better once EU would crush their economy, we could bring in thousands of Poles and Hungarians and lock them up in waggie cagies.

Austrians maybe. Prussians never had the idea. If they wanted to disarm Orbán they would should ask him to be the leader of some irrelevant organisation with a good name. Like make him the guy in charge of Frontex, but then give him no resources. Hungarian society and mentality is about earning and displaying social achievements. It's about the form not the merit.

Hungary voted for the censor law so they are still shite

Hungary and Poland behave like Russian agents of influence.

Hungarians also hate Russia for 1956.

>The EU will still shit on both countries next time the budget is planned because while it take unanimity it's Hungary and Poland that will get nothing if the budget never passes because of them blocking.

Lol, if it happened, we would nationalize all western EU factories, banks and other firms in our countries, Germany and France would never let this happen, they'd lose hundreds of trillions of euros. So they'd rather give us money and keep as calm as possible.

Nőt really. Commies celebrate November 4th till this day. Fidesz voters do whatever the king says. The rest are pro Russia, cuz based Putin is defender of the white race.

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>All countries in EU are given a veto
>Cunts get upset when another cunt actually uses it
The EU is such a fucking sham it's insulting.

Buying gas on an already existing pipeline =/= laying down a brand new pipeline so it bypasses ukraine and everyone who would cause trouble without asking anyone who's involved