Wake up

>wake up
>remember that yuros LITERALLY banned memes because they live in a totalitarian police state with insanely high taxes and have no rights or freedoms

this is literally indefensible btw

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Actually we've got more freedoms than you. Prisoners here in Finland have the freedom to go on vacation from jail.

American "freedom"

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>literally don't have free speech or right to defend yourself vs muzzies
>b-but muh autobahn (of which only some parts are unlimited and still has a lot of traffic)
sure thing hans


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You pay higher taxes than us though.

And the freedom to vote, and not be sentanced to slavery.

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I'm going to need to see your Jow Forums posting license, Nigel.


>they live in a totalitarian police state
God, if that's what Europe is, I hate to imagine what type of dystopia

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*america is.

>assblasted leftists who don't like the 2nd amendment
every time

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Based Mongolia

>Free spech
yeah i cant wave a swastika flag in public or deny the Holocaust
>Defend yourself
Just because im cant buy an AR-15 at Walmart doesnt mean we dont have guns here

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>>assblasted leftists who don't like the 2nd amendment
lol, at cuckservatives rewriting history

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>defending your lack of free speech

>yuros LITERALLY banned memes


EU article 11 and 13

Pretty sure they are all dead.

Leftists are campaigning right now to take away guns

>leftists a long time ago defended guns so all the ones that are trying to take them away today don't count

>Critics say the law could block internet users from being able to post content like memes and links to articles.

Does this mean they can't search reddit every day and look for 1 American doing something, then start a thread asking "Why do all Americans..."?

If so, this is a good thing for the board.

it may well end up with hiro rangebanning EU since it's impossible to stay compliant without going bankrupt unless you're facebook or google.

PRISM is stil online memester

prism doesn't actually impact anything :^)

this law is going to ruin the internet for europeons and get them banned from many sites

Nice post. But consider my Counter argument

>Be american
>get shot

Considering the current state of "memes" I'm glad, even though I know they did it because they're retarded old people.

I'd rather not see anyone attempt humor ever again than seeing this unfunny shit spammed ever again. In fact, I hope the whole internet fucking dies so that the world can be free of it.

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If PATRIOT act is stil alive, im not sorry.

good riddance desu.
feels good to be with daddy USA than commie faggots.
texas was an ok price to pay.

>Jow Forums opposed to banning normies from killing memes

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Good thing the US isnt a democracy brainlet

it's much more than memes, it's basically going to murder fair use and facebook/google/youtube/etc are just going to wipe all content that MIGHT get them fined.

Jow Forums is going to be fucked if anyone goes after them unless they range ban EU

it's LITERALLY impossible to enforce without becoming a nazi about removing everything

It sure isn't. And here I thought americans had a problem with countries not embracing democracy. How silly

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>it's much more than memes, it's basically going to murder fair use and facebook/google/youtube/etc are just going to wipe all content that MIGHT get them fined
>Jow Forums is going to be fucked

Stop, please
my dick can only get so erect


and where will you go when Jow Forums dies?

Imagine being a eur*Poid. I'd top myself desu.

i suppose banning knives is less retarded than banning memes

but you're sitll part of the EU

Why do we have so many guns compared to other euro countries?

You’re much cooler than other euro countries.

its not like Jow Forums is a one of a kind website, there are better niche alternatives.

name one

Jow Forums is shit, but all other big websites are far shittier.

The other *chans.

>Break the law
>Be allowed to vote

If anything I wish we changed that

Back to Internet 1.0. Celebrating the death of normies with my fellow advanced users.

>Be poor
>Be allowed to vote

>Be non-white
>Be allowed to vote

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don't they post the same type of things?

You're going back to IRC and Usenet?

I mean that's actually not a bad plan.

No, they're niche and not filled with retarded underage subhumans. Though most of them are either near dead or dying, I think they'll see a resurgence if hiro rangebans euros.

>muh strong nationalistic slavic white nation
poland is a turbo meme.
the only army there is the american army, kek.

>The other *chans.
all shit

bitch im not naming my hideouts, last thing i want is more retards going to it, dont ask to be spoonfed.

They're all in Marseille and Corsica.
I'll let you figure out why.

does that mean they don't have links or memes?

I don't see how they would be different

germany banned the svastika yet germans can browse Jow Forums.
its just a showoff, its not gonna affect us... right guys? right...?

>t-there are good places to go once Jow Forums dies
>nobody can ever name one
>n-n-n-no t-they're s-s-super ss-s--sekrit


just admit that the internet will be way worse in the reddified future where we're gone

your punishment is over when your time in jail ends, then you become another ctiizen.
im okay with people not being allowed to vote while in jail, but after they serve their sentences they supposedly paid the time for their crimes already.

>They are going to ban memes!!

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Reminder that US has bigger prisoner population per capita than stalinist SU

I know, right? All the fake news, memes and retarded movements die, and when facebook/twitter sinks the normies will finally leave us alone again. The best part is that they're too fucking stupid to work out how evade all this; their brains have rotted from being forcefed step-by-step youtube guides all their lives.

yes we have a lot of negros in the south/in cities

go ahead, cherrypick more while you can


good one

Can you can still draw memes on paper in your finnish high school Jow Forums club?

>land of the free
>most of them are in prison


are you mountain jews going to have a censored internet as well?

umm, no sweaty

Brexit means brexit

you haven't actually brexited yet

How is it cherrypicking? You have an ungodly huge prison population, which you treat in ways that violate their human rights. You should all be ashamed of your country.

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I don't care about criminals, this should not be hard to understand

strong cope

I mean unless they can float their shitty island over to the americas they'll always be the EU's bitch due to geopolitics. You have to kill it.

that non-anglo inferiority complex is a joy to behold

I thought you guys envied us Scandinavians? Sure seems that way.

the only sane people that would want to move to sweden from the US are:
>live in a shit state (cali and the south excluding texas)

putting my watermark on all the illustrations i
I've made in Paint

The non pedofilic chans in the deep web are actually better in terms of quality