Your country

>your country
>your hobbies
vidya, there is nothing else to do in my life

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Anime, movies, jerking off, contemplating suicide.

have you considered purchasing a happiness arcane spell off the shadow markets?

i thought you all practice archery n shiet?

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Borno, bidro gaem, lookism, manga, anger, thinking about drawing but not doing it

>There is nothing else to do in my life
How about improving yourself?

hunting, compound lifting, cooking, arguing with strangers on anime imageboards, tinkering

1) benis
2) reading, meeting friends, playing piano, learning languages, vidya, lifting

>shooting (because SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED)

cycling, vidya, anime, learning graff and tags

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>Cycling in Brazil
How are you even alive?

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I should have said BMX, but I have not been learning new tricks and stuff.
>How are you even alive?
I got robbed once but I am fine.

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>reading, writing, sailing, composing, violoncello and piano, sometimes parties and hanging out

jerking off, shitposting, researching and buying crap I don't need, hanging out with the bf, video games.
I want to take up reading at some point too.

Ye, don't mind me but I think I'll take this flag for the collection.

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Videogames: I don't play online, single player or nothing. Been playing games since I'm a kid. Right now I'm playing Persona 5.
Music: I'm a CD junkie, I travel overseas just to go to concerts. One of my greatest passions.
Literature: I read a lot since I'm a kid, I collect books and I'm a Tolkien fanboy. Alongside music, one of the things that I love the most.
Other hobbies: I'm into model kits, I like to build gunplas (I don't like Gundam, just to build them), I like history, I read comics, I like to walk (when I'm not in this unsafe shithole), web desing and shit.

>Getting robbed once is considered fine in Brazil
Im sorry you have to live there user

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bong island
marauding, thespianism, drinking cups of tea, watching the rain, counting treasure, boipussi, sailing the seven seas

>404 Not found

Starting from vidya you could expand to surrounding and move on something new
>researching and buying crap i don't need
I'm curious, why?
Based sweden always full of hobbies and interests, nonetheless you have an high number depressed and suicidal people. Fucking why?
Godspeed user
>watching rain
+1 comfyness

trappan (next year, maybe other huntan too)
learnan about religion(s)

learning Finnish
lunix system administration

Languages, cooking, hiking, handwork, movies

>learning finnish


judgusedä :DDddd

I've just started, minun suomalainen ystävä

I like camping and fishing. At home I play extremely grindy games to pass time.

I want to attend your STEM uni, it's free for foreign Finnish speakers, and I also admire your language

Cartoons, anime, movies, reading books and news

good, good led dhe memes flow dhrough you :DDDdd

Watch anime, study, browse Jow Forums and collect flags, also play league sometimes

Ystävällinen venäläinenpostaaja

Working out, drinking, going to my uni football matches, and smoking my Juul. And vidya.

anime, tv shows, occasionally getting high and playing vidya.

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shooting, cooking, video games (PSO2), learning Japanese, patch collecting, reading books, and pie making

>BL, gayposting, losing weight, and learning Japanese

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Fucking gross


vidya, anime, photography

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Yo, what up ;)


drawing, women, food, sleepin, fapping and videogames is all I need

Nothing really. I play video games, but it's mostly out of compulsion and a session doesn't last for more than an hour.

Gunpla, reading, biking, traditional archery, learning languages (currently jap) and learning to draw

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>Tennis, Free weights, reading, Libertarian activism, SC2, shooting, spending time with my two friends and cuddling with them (husband+wife)

Welcome to the Anime crew, Bhut/a/n!

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Tfw no qt dutch skinny gf(male)

You and people like you are the reason communism gains traction in latam.

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