WTF is their problem???
WTF is their problem???
Yeah but fuck refugees and migrants though why does europe have to take them?
fuck off pola
eu just created border guards to keep them out
Is that true about the refugees death camps? Poles are fucked up
> Vox
Fake news media. The EU pushed itself into a crisis which lasted for last decades: 1% of GDP growth on average, 1000% of bureaucracy growth, giving benefits to millions of non-working parasites and increasing massive debt, destroying security of Europe by bringing here unchecked people without visas who are making terrorist attacks now, removing christianity and christian values from societies and replacing them with leftard ideologies or other inferior cultures, neglecting national militaries, so now even impoverished but muscled-up Russia could conquer you all easily, you are also conflicting yourself with the only power thanks to which you all still exist: the USA... Well fucking done! But of course it is Poland that is guilty now, only because we want to modernize and strenghten our country to deal with new dangers and new geopolitical situations.
Hasn't Poland taken in 1 million Ukrainian refugees?
>removing christianity and christian values from societies and replacing them with leftard ideologies or other inferior cultures
You can say the same about your Master, the USA