A thread for the discussion of Britain and British culture
Other urls found in this thread:
this thread
brought to you by the janny
cheeky x
if he deletes this one then I'm going to his higher ups
are we safe now?
Everyone excited for the party conferences?
There's another brit thread up lol
Not really
Not even a little
It's brilliant in the civil service. The MPs go back on recess so it's another month where I have no deadlines or pressure because there's no Minister to rubberstamp anything.
>Janny off'd the JQ thread
oh no...oh no no no
You big stiff idiot
no because im not a teenager
SIMONYAN: Do you work for the GRU?
PETROV: And you, do you?
SIMONYAN: Me? No, I don’t, and you?
PETROV: I don’t.
BOSHIROV: Me neither.
janny calls himself Jow Forums staff
don't you have to be paid to be staff?
>chipped paint because no skirting boards
>dodgy 90s carpet
What a pov
what are the chances that janny is a greasy little virgin freak
Question Time is on tonight but it's mostly likely going to be dominated by Tory stooges and sanctimonious Brexiters. I'll probably give it a miss.
brexiteers saved you from article 13
you're on the ropes
careful he might hear you
>178 KB, 10000x5680
>following politics
can't fathom how boring your life must be lmao, nothing changes regardless of what party is in power
the lunch
can't really see anything 90s about that carpet
Sounds based. Will be tuning in.
I don't get it. Your autism about page numbers prompts multiple thread creations and thread wars leading to more cleaning up than you'd originally have to deal with anyway
Brexiters killed this country and were going down the drain they should all be hanged for treason
>girl laughs at random things you say
most blatant red flag tb h lads
QT is shit and you're shit if you like it
way too fucking hot in my room haha
It's not about rules. It's about sending a message.
Why are Bongs such sad sacks?
>skirting boards
Come now, that thread that had already reached bump limit really needed to be deleted.
not clicking that link ATA LL
And that message is "follow the rules"
>Up to a week
legit virus
get a mac and you dont need to worry about viruses
*tannoy sounds*
mcaffee went fucking bonkers when i hovered over this link
I miss Question Time threads
alri grandpa
>one week
Literally haven't seen my parents in over 3 years now.
dumb pc bender
>up to a week
hahaha fuck off implying that is a long time not talking to anyone
fucking normoids
why was this deleted?
>Tory mong
>Blairite mong
>Tory mong
>Liberal snob
>Tory mong
Ah yes, very balanced.
oh great the bradleyposter is here
Business idea; Wait until thread wars happen and post your porn and nsfw images/webms in them so you when Janny deletes the threads he can't ban you because the thread is gone
Giving this one 1min to live until janman fires up
somebody post the image that exposes how the JIDF shill hot IDF girls to influence young American men's opinion of Israel
Couldn't post earlier fucking gookmoot bastard hes trying to silence me I swear to god i'll fucking throttle the cunt hes in on it too probably mi5 or something got to him the fucking bastar d rat
>the bradleyposter [singular]
ahh wa la
lunch is served
hes a fucking gypo
>U r my greatest ally
This is why muzzies fly planes into your shit
yes it is I, the singular bradleyposter
*flings my cape over my shoulder and disappears into the fog*
Big if true
cant post on Jow Forums someone is deliberately messing with me please get me out of this awful country i want to move to the united states of america if you are listening please move me to the united states of america now im not being allowed to post get me out of this awful country now
Totalitarian values
>black dress shoes
dunno what this is
howling at the jannster not deleting actual virus links but deleting pics that slightly resemble poo
janny I'm going to the paki shop
do you want anything?
40mph on a residental street with parked cars either side
its grim up north
because it wasnt a virus. it was asian porn if you must know not that you deserve it
why did you decolourise this anime
Fairy Liquid
can't believe the jan man let this one slip through
shall be adding it to my incompetence report ASAP
The wolf says to the lamb: "You were the one who dirtied my water last year!" The lamb replied: "It was not me." The wolf insists, "It was you." So the lamb told him, "Well, I was born this year." The wolf then said, "So it must have been your mother!" and ate the lamb. What could the poor mother do when she saw her son being torn into pieces between the teeth of the wolf? In the passion of motherhood, she butted the wolf. Of course the wolf was not affected at all; however, the wolf shouted, "Look at this terrorist!" So these parrots joined in, repeating what the wolf said and saying, "yes, we condemn the ewe's butt against the wolf." But where were you when the wolf ate the son of this sheep? So, these strikes are, but in reaction to what happened in our lands -- in Palestine, and in Iraq, and other places
Are you ready for your new career opportunity, user?
That really is strange.
based boomers
its coming...
lad that image has been around for years
how have you not seen it
mum's just on the sofa watching netflix again and not doing anything
think she's depressed
Fat waste of space
You know who you are
Did the jews really blow up the twin towers?
Sorry, wageling, I cannot let you out until you've worked for EIGHTTEEN hours in a row.