Why do wops always get so butthurt and autistic about food...

Why do wops always get so butthurt and autistic about food? Whenever someone doesn't prepare and eat an italian dish EXACTLY how they want it, they have a meltdown as if it's any of their business how other people eat.

Attached: pastapesto.jpg (1600x1200, 250K)

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it's all they have left

Probably for the same reason germans get angry when Italians refuse to suck migrant dick exactly the way germans would do.

when y*nktrons talk about how they perfected pizza while they shovel inordinate amounts cheese and grease down their throats i could see how it could be annoying

>tfw I cannot cook at all
>tried to make Italian food recently
>tried to make 'Pepper Pasta' which is a roman dish
>didn't want to look up a recipe as it would be a challenge to make it myself
>purchased spaghetti, butter, garlic, a pre made packet of peppercorn sauce, mayo, and an Italian coffee granules bag
>boiled it all together and ate it, and it was disgusting

Guess what? I made the actual recipe and it was even worse. fuck italy.

Attached: gun.jpg (709x765, 72K)

Marketing mostly

how much does this trigger you?


Once some italians I was hanging out with got mad cause i used some olive oil on the water to boil the pasta. Bunch of unsufferable assholes.

>fancy italian restaraunt
>twirl pasta onto my fork with the help of my spoon
>some wop leans over and says "only children do that"

he should had been delighted at the prospect of your fried probably carcinogenic pasta

>oil in the water

Are you retarded

PROTIP: cook any Italian recipe but substitute butter for olive oil. Works better, is cheaper and more delicious.

Would you feel ok if I just drowned sauerkraut in olive oil and onion?

they are autistic even with themselves because many dishes have their regional variaties and they get buttmad about it

Yum, Greek Sauerkraut

Attached: i-am-greek1.jpg (640x480, 89K)

I won't share any with you.

It's a silly affectation but a little bit of water does affect the surface tension of the boiling water and coats the pasta as it gets retrieved from it
Better just to boil the pasta and then coat it with the hot oil from the sauce but there you go

Attached: 7.Wednesday_special_carbonara_199.0.jpg (1200x800, 104K)

>doesn't boil his maccaronia in a vat full of olive oil

*little bit of oil

Attached: chippanfire.jpg (303x465, 33K)

jaime oliver is based af

Based spaghettiniggers keeping the cuisine game 'thentic