Probably the most hated country in Europe

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg.png (1200x720, 932)

I like germs

I like them

Europe is irrelevant

they're cool honestly


Only Scandinavia is relevant

Germans are bros

Only Sweden is relevant*
No need to be humble

I like them, i only hate kosovo

hate us as much as you want, but we still invented the washing machine and you did not

I only hate poland und hungary


we were the most popular nation of the world in 2006 and are still popular and loved... fuck off with your hatred and right wing anti-EU and immigration propaganda... off to Jow Forums with you

This. C'mon. Kill them all. Cmon. Do it. You want do it, are you? Kill them Hans.

that's what Russia does regularly... also part of the reason why your nation is globally hated so much

Kill yourself please


Because everyone else is kinda irrelevant

Nigger please

you too

prove that you're Swedish and post a pic of your hand in front of your fridge with a timestamp

>countries without major debt liking Germany

What could be the reason?

Certainly not your politics. But you are good drinking buddies


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You really should hate our politicians

The fact that I won't proves it

Ok, Mohammad

I could switch my name to Mohammed and still be whiter than you

Haters can fuck off.


Germans are the most bullied group on Jow Forums.

Thx dude.

this buh (being unironically honest)

that's ok, i love the rest of europe anyway though

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Btw, are we talking about hating the country or hating the people?

>Btw, are we talking about hating the country or hating the people?


Yes what? Don't be like this Hans.

I'm neutral towards them.

Thx France!

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Thx m8te!

The only European country that matters
>best composers
>most relevant philosophers
>most important scientists
>best cars
>best indo-euporean language
>birthplace of protestants

You should think about the most important scientists part again, it's not accurate.


>Why does everybody hate us? Dresden! Never forget! We're victims! Dindu nuffin!

Every time.

Attached: Barbarians.jpg (1161x997, 362K)

And rightfully so

based Germans

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when I think of a german I think of a skinny guy with tight jeans, a shiny leather jacket on and spiked up hair who watches breakdancing youtube videos and thinks he's cool

>HAHAHAHAH oh ja das is good!
I feel the same way

>mfw Germans call mobile phones 'handies'

Attached: a52.gif (250x189, 2.07M)

>mfw Brits call Kindergarten Kindergarten

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protestants were going to happen no matter what unless the church would have reformed drastically. the hussite wars were a thing too you know.

they are pretty handy though.

we say nursery, yanks say kindergarten

that's not the flag of France you idiotic manolo

I think he was making a joke by pointing out something that we don't say because he doesn't think Germans say 'handies'.

based and redpilled

After the American SCR-536 hand-held radio transceiver called "Handie-Talkie"

True, but you are also barbarians, just less refined ones. That's why we like you desu.

christ knows, cant trust the jerrys as far as you can throw 'em

Calling it a handie sounds really gay though.

we do actually say that though. but with y ending even in plural so "Handys"

t. RSS. Boaty McBoatface

no we actually do say that
No u

Still fail to understand why we're more hated than England or Germany.

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That was a real hoot.

take a seat hans

you're on the same level as the eternal anglo imo

>WW1 ends
>Wilson begs allies to be nice to poor Germany, American investment rushes in to rebuild Germany in the interwar years
>WW2 ends
>Truman spends millions rebuilding Germany, sends American troops to defend their former enemies and half of Germany's debt was forgiven even though they started the war
>Soviets block western ground and water access to West Berlin, America and Britain risk war with USSR to supply West Berlin entirely by air with four planes landing every minute loaded with food and supplies and airmen even personally buy and drop candy for the children
>Cold War ends
>Thatcher, Mitterrand, and Gorby all are against German reunification, but Bush convinces them to accept it
>Germany has the lowest support of the USA out of all EU nations and all NATO countries save Turkey
>American soldiers are on German soil pledged to give up their LIVES for a country that hates them while Germany's leader calls America an unreliable ally
>meanwhile America nuked Japan and dropped more explosives on Vietnam than were used in all of WW2 but they still like America more than Germans do
>Britain also helped them a ton after having been attacked by Germany in two wars but now 90% of Germans want to hurt Britain in the Brexit negotiations

Why are Germans such ungrateful, mean, and self-righteous people?

Are they like that with other countries in Europe?

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I like france

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i like them, they killed millions of wh*Tes

You are just that up high, because nobody knows you are a country (ur not tho)

Because it's reddit

Wonder what Malta and Iceland both did to piss off one person.

Because you are arrogant dicks that are just full of themself?

Seriously, just been over and literally every taxi driver in Paris (away from one nigger, kek) pretended he does not speak ONE fucking word of English.

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>Because you are arrogant dicks that are just full of themself?

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That's not the Syrian flag, OP.

Don't know about Malta, but look up the Cod Wars
Icelanders dealt your country (and mine too) three devastating and humiliating defeats in war
We won't forget it and they will not get away with it.

You people are just orcs to us

>Amerimutt mouthing off
Come back when you have a culture.

Germany is a Ribbit country
They hate France because of Russia

Proving my point

Also, rent free yada yada

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>They hate France because of Russia

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Check the date on the map it's when people were still fainting about Le Pen and her clown party

I wonder why....

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Europe is too full of their bootylickers to be true. Unfortunately, of course.

Prost Freunde!

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they look like someone americans would elect to be their president

Many such cases. SAD!

Probably the most hated country in the world.

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let me explain the third position hierarchy, top being superior to everyone below
Higher whites:
>danish/north germanic
>pure swiss
----cuttoff line for lesser whites aka future slaves----
>southern germanic
>northern italian
----cuttoff line for subwhites aka animals----
Southern Italian
-----non whites aka hanging on the day of the rope----

They are very similar to Germany in many ways. Lack of self-reflection and empathy, extremely aggressive and jingoistic, obsessed with money and social status, STEM-oriented, very conformist to the point of cult-like behavior. Protestantism unites them.


>a fucking cheese slicer

>Not designing a weapon of mass destruction that will solely devastate the nation of France

reported for h8 spick

Don't hate us for being genetically superior. Even based Hitler understood we were peak evolution.

Gernany and America should be best pals, most of the Caucasians that aren't Anglos are German.

kikes aren't white