The face of stupidity and arrogance

Attached: 1516254053068.jpg (900x600, 100K)

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spain and portugal are the same country

the face of racism

Attached: 1515300926359.jpg (800x480, 122K)

Who wouldn't like to live on thrones built of human bones like in Chitzen Itza

Attached: 1510822887733.jpg (960x720, 106K)

You literally invented the slave trade, jew-moor mutt subhuman (brother)

Attached: 1510824089795.jpg (967x544, 255K)

Spanish Alono fans

Attached: 1510824564452.jpg (468x372, 59K)

Yes, we are racist, so what?

Attached: 1466938109681.png (1533x1020, 1.1M)

festival in Malaga, where they paint their faces black

Attached: 1510825473485.jpg (635x479, 101K)