>your country
>your national book that represents the literature of your country
For Spain its Don Quixote
Your country
A chronicle of pre-crusades history called Kalevipoeg.
Crime and punishment, by Dostoevsky
the canterbury tales
Goosebumps :)
>Despite an abundance of literature, I don't think we really have a 'national' book. Perhaps our regional cultures are too different for a unitary experience for literature.
>a book written by a Dutchman
Eneyida by Kotliarevsky, if you wanna get classic literature with whole bunch obscene saynigs try this.
Children in Ukraine must learn text where word "whore" is in every third sentence.
I have no mouth and I must scream
I don't know maybe something by Steinback, Hemingway or Twain. We don't have an epic and a lot of our authors are specific to the brief time period they lived in.