Chainlink is finished?

Mfw you all got gipped so Sergey could pretend to solve the oracle problem

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T.deluded linkie. How about Corda and hyperledger not using link as an oracle solution. b-b-but muh nda. Lol see you in two years once my OCN bags are 20x and the announcements are right around the corner.

Dayum son, I’m erect. We know this is L3G1T $Chain$link$

Also /thread ing your own post? How new are you?

Newfag detected

lmao, this is the weakest fud so far

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Old timers know it’s fucking retarded to /thread yourself. If it was actually /thread another user, maybe one not as delusional as you stinky linky, would post it

>that boomer who still is fat and bald

its you

yup yup...

Aw did I hurt the stinky linky’s little feelings?

I was actually referring to your projection
>How new are you?

>collected 30 million and owns 65% of the supply
Yeah, it's a scam.

yep yep yep

Yup sure thing. Lmao you linklets are so easy to trigger. Are you a little frustrated your precious project hasn’t done shit? Do all the hype projects and pump and dumps get you down while you’ve parked you satoshis in link all this time? DELUSIONAL

Haha yeah. And they call tron a scam

Dude you're projecting like a faggot, you're probably a manlet

poa already solved the oracle problem


Everyone in this thread is a faggot.
OP is a double faggot.

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Lol. You’re the one coping. I bet youre 5’4”. It’s ok though, you’ll be ripped after holding those heavy ass bags for years! Hodl xD. Le ebin singularity is right around the corner.

chainlink is the only project out here with any potential sad to say

The weak FUD has actually convinced me to move some of my stack into chainlink.

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Thanks just bought 100k corda

I’m sure you’re fifty dollars are going to have a huge impact on the order book!