Apprendre le français

pour les apprenants de français. Discutez de l'apprentissage de la langue ou de toute autre chose.

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Sodomites et reliquaires d'anus flétris.

why would I want to learn french?
I understood literally everything in your post, no need, thanks.

Qui ?

Les simples d'esprit, pardi !

pour la culture ?

what culture?

ok grenouille Je ne comprends pas, peut-être que je suis simpliste

Ok paco

For some years I thought that the name of this collection was written "A6000", which I found quite clever.
Then I learned that this was an international method and finally told to myself that it wouldn't make much sense in anything other than french

intéressant, pouvez-vous expliquer?


Il y a peu à expliquer pour être honnête ; simplement, lorsque l'on prononce à voix haute l'ensemble "A6000", l'on obtient la même chose que lorsque l'on prononce "assimil" (A-six-milles).

It took me several hours watching US sports streamings to realize the pundits did not have a weird obsession for French eyes, but were talking about "franchise".

bien sûr! Nouvel apprenant et j'ai honte de ne pas m'en rendre compte


N'ayez point honte, ami. Lors de l'apprentissage d'une langue nouvelle, la conversion des nombres en mots est ce qu'il y a de moins spontané. Lorsque je lis l'anglais pour moi-même, il est encore fréquent que les nombres m'apparaissent en français et je dois faire un effort pour effectuer la conversion.

Lorsqu'en plus on prend on compte la manière particulièrement fantasque dont les français prononcent certains nombres, tout motif de honte s'évanouit.

Assimil is pretty great. I just wish Polish was available with an English base.

Attached: IMG_1126.jpg (3264x2448, 475K)

Bought the same set, but from spanish to french since Im a chi, and assimil works better with related languages

Merci. J'ai bien entendu que je suis intelligent

Fil plutôt basé pêh

what the difference of german with ease and just german?

also what level is ur german or french right now? can u converse in those langs?

German with ease is the 2011 Schneider course. Get the 2014 Superpack Roemer course.
Roemers version has much better dialogues and much more information. The lessons alone comprise 564 pages before the appendixes, that is more than the entirety of the 2011 course.

I picked up German again about 5 weeks ago after a long hiatus which is why I bought the newer edition. Everything has come back to me quite easily and I would put myself conservatively at B1 level.

damn b1 in 5 weeks thats freaking impressive. it took me like 5-6 months to reach B1.

Now I already speak good enough german, so I dont need the assimil book but I was curious since I bought an assimil spanish to french set but haven used it yet.

Im looking forward to using it once i reach C1 in german

Yeah but like I said I studied German once before and took a long break and when I quit studying I still listened to lots of German music which helped me retain a lot of vocab.

oh ok makes sense, did u study french first or german? and at what point did u switch languages? like how good were u in the language when u switched? im considering saying fuck it and just switch because reaching C1 german feels like its light years away from b2

Reminder to study Canadian French and not smelly European French

love france tho

I probably was B2 in German before. It was my main focus. I sort of felt C1 was something that I would need to spend time in Germany to aqcuire so I was content with where I was at and began French.

I studied French alongside German for about 30 lessons before life got in the way. This was around the time I quit actively studying German.

I've been wanting to study French again but I'm not sure. I keep flirting with the idea of Spanish because unlike German I could actually take it to C1 with all the native speakers here.

J'ai avancé de A2.1 à B1.1 en 2 semaines à un cours intensif en Nouvelle-Calédonie, c'était génial

j'ai fait A1.2 à A2.1 l'année dernière à l'alliance française

mais l'alliance française pres de moi n'a plus de cours cette année donc j'essayerai le site italki pour les prochains mois

Je m'abonne aussi à 4 podcasts français que j'écoute tous les jours pendant en conduisant

ça c'est de l’implication dis moi
pourquoi tant d'effort

sorry i don't have time to write in french again. I started learning for an ex girlfriend, then i stayed at alliance francais for the social side, the classes are like 10 girls to 1 guy

then i saw an ad for the school in caledonia and it just looked like a really fun trip. And now the level of french i have I don't want to lose it, so i have to keep using it as much as possible

Nice, yeah thats how i feel about C1 but i feel like I just might be able to get my hearing and reading to C1 level without having to live in germany but who knows, trying to hear german tv shows or films so freaking hard compared to documantaries