American toilets

Why do Americans do this???

Attached: oh boy.jpg (576x768, 50K)

why are yuropoors so insecure that they can't shit without being in a quiet room completely alone?
many americans shit with the stall door open. we're all men, who gives a shit if you see a dick or something?

I don't want other people to see how my face lights up when I fart, when I push shit, how much I enjoy it.

Men must lower their gaze according to ALLAH

Wow、Americans are china tier toilet.

Attached: cntoire01.jpg (416x535, 62K)

this is a cherrypicked image, most stalls look like this

Attached: stall.png (602x411, 343K)


To prevent junkies overdosing and homos turning public bathrooms into their bedroom.

They usually look like this.

Attached: bath.jpg (1280x720, 116K)

space under door meant for stall crawler

Attached: spooky.webm (720x1280, 1.81M)

I just crap myself and shake it out the pant leg. Works like a charm.

I've never seen a bathroom like that.

what happens next?

Why do so many people make threads like these? A stupid question with a picture of some meme image

easy (you)s

We like to see other men taking shits. All 300 million of us enjoy it.
Every single toilet in america looks exactly like that. There is no exception to this rule. Its a very strict regulation that they look exactly like the toilets in that picture

>the last frame hes closer


really? Here's actual video evidence that you can fit an entire midget under your public toilets' door, with room to sparenot to mention those gaps near the side that you could probably poke your hand through, elbow deep

Attached: 1529141084198.jpg (641x530, 36K)

stop lying
I've never had anybody invade my stall while pinching one off

big toilets for big people

Attached: fat-toilet.jpg (968x1296, 648K)

>go to to see the predator
>popcorn mines flooded with tar
>designated shooter is late
>somebody left the doors to the manlet pit open
>manlets running around, crawling under the stalls and shit
>forgot my anvil in the oven
>falcon is being an asshole, clawing my left ear
>failed the penis inspection 3rd time this week
I'm done with the kinoplex.

Attached: 1536237983528.png (846x960, 691K)

he opens the door for his bigger comrades

I went to France and paid 1 euro to use the toilet

To make it worse apparently it only or 15 minutes so I what in there for like half an hour and when the Frank nig looked at the docket when I gave it back I just said I don't speak french

>be australian
>clean your clothes in the french toilet and shake off all the spiders and their eggs
>refuse to pay the native frenchman 1 buck for having to kill them all

All memes aside, it's not uncommon to poo in public with the stall door open in America. Public bathrooms are implied to be "public", in that you don't really give a shit because you know the other people around you don't give a shit either.

Sometimes public showers are also pretty rampantly nude. Anytime my friends close the stall doors, I always fuck with them by crawling underneath and unlocking it from the inside. "What do you have to hide? You realize how suspicious you're being?" They never really get angry; it's mostly just an exasperated sigh, or a light "You rascal" kind of laugh.

In certain towns, bathroom stalls are EXPECTED to be closed and locked, which can be confusing for the majority of us Americans, especially when it comes to travelling abroad in Europe.

lol wtf

This is only on the west coast. I'm not joking. Their very liberal city councils think this is how to deal with junkies.

Why the fuck would you spend half an hour in a public toilet? What is wrong with you?

maybe he was shooting up

He stole cameraman's white genes

They don't even have public toilets where I live in the Midwest, it's a coastal city dweller thing.

We don't need 'em here, just hold it until you get home like god intended.

your filename literally reveals that those are chinese toilets kys

how many dicks have you sucked

>Try to take a shit
>Fall in and get drown


God I hate public washrooms. It’s bad enough I have to trade most of my time for money, but then I can’t even have one minute to piss or shit in peace.

Within one week I heard someone sitting on the toilet and horking and spitting over and over. And then some tall brown guy pissing a foot away from the urinal with his tiny, ugly, hairy, cut dick fully out at my eye level when I turn the corner.

Humans were not meant to do this together.

That's what I call an american post.
Keep it up lad