hey faggots, Jow Forums regular here just stopping by to remind you all that you will never look as good as me or get as much pussy as me. You are all beta forever virgins who live in your parents basement and jerk off to little girls. fucking disgusting.
Hey faggots...
Thanks just sold all my link
Thx just sold 100k
faggot larpers should kys themselves
Have fun surviving WW3 with that little fat stores, musclefag.
>posts body
>hides face
>nice calves
your legs look like absolute shit lol
Nice twig legs you basedboy twink
We may be autistic neets but we'll be the ones fucking the hot women you stare at at the gym while you're working as a personal trainer
disgusting pale white skin
afraid to post face
stick figure legs
404 Calves Not Found
skipped leg day I see
I can also literally tell you're a manlet from this photo, your gains won't matter because you're forever short.
>OMG so cute!
Also fucking lol at not training legs, you look like a curlbro. Girls notice legs dumbass
>disgusting white skin
out nigger
disgusting pale white skin
get some sun you loser
Fking phaggot OP seeking for attention because no one loves him. Doesn't have friends because of cancerous Ego. Not a fucking chad becuase hops on 4 chan.
nigger detected
im bigger, leaner and stronger
but prob poorer. being fit isn't that great
Kek OP has no calves
>facelet detected
too bad i look like a 6'6 ashton kutcher and have never lifted in my life faggot. enjoy those protein shakes and salads
>tfw it's never leg day
skipped leg day? Gotta plan a leg day to skip one m8
remixing old pasta eh op?
Someone photoshop him with huge fucking nipples
hate faggots like you who look fucking basic.
your 3 months of fucking training doesn't mean jackshit. your 3 months worth of training is equals to my weekend of training calves and deltoids while pumping my fucking biceps and lats fucking foool
stop bragging when you're not on par with me. lil bitch
Bizralies should be getting Jow Forums.
Best life gains boards. Dont become r9k faggots. I was a fit poster first now we need cash gainz, but i still need more gainz in the gym
Hes doing fine you insecure little bitch. Why the hate
le 56% meme
>More fit than OP let alone the rest of the board
>Angrily roasts OP for looking basic, implying being fit looks basic, and is fit
You're probably dumb as a rock
why do white people have no swag
>tfw look good enough to not care without having to waste hours at the gym
>tfw blessed with a brain powerful enough to experience thoughts enough to fill several of the OP's lifetimes
OP is a brainlet who chimps his way through life trying to do something about his genetically inferior calves.
They’re called shorts nigga. You workout in them.
But cant make any excuse for OP and his weird cargo monstrosities
Money > Muscle Gainz dumbass. And we can afford to lift & buy stacks as much as we like, while you go be the most buff chad working in the local McDonalds.
>has to take steroids in order to trick girls into liking him
Must suck not having legit chad genes and to be dependent on injections to pretend be an alpha.
Anyone roasting OP is obviously ugly and/or not fit.
Niggas in this thread can't even do 10 push ups
It's true Op
I have wasted my life here trying to get rich on meme money
So get up fag hit the floor and do 10 right now.
Do 10 before sleep.
Wake up do 10, do 9 more sets of 10 throughout the day. When it becomes normal then just do 10 sets of 10 in one session. Then up from there
More like hard work unlike your faggot ass sitting at your desk making wishes.
Only thing anyone should be roasting is this niggas cargos.
I'll bite. nice bait.
Hi Greg Kidger
>lonely fag desperately crying for attention
I wish we had ovens working for people like you.
Shit legs fuck off.
where the fuck are your legs op?
and why not be fit and rich? biz and fit go hand in hand. fit was home until i realized it was a bunch of gay guys pretending not to be gay to get guys who werent gay yet to post pics with their shirts off.
you look like youre 18 or 19. youll realize sooner or later than being well off financially is the real goal. otherwise youll be 40 working at the gym, keep cleaning up loads from dudes like me
When's leg day?
no matter how good looking you are you can't stop a bullet. and I have so much money I could buy your girls including your mum and sister. your nothing special just same as every other worthless piece off shit on this planet
this but less autistic