Do you love Turkey?
Do you love Turkey?
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Ask your neighbor.
Why not?
a couple people I met from there are quite down-to-earth, but overall they are just massive assholes all around
I try to look for more merit than downsides for each country and its people, but it's quite difficult to do so for turkey
I've never met a Turk.
I want to go to Istanbul really bad actually
Yes, I quite like the bl*Ck women.
I love turkish women
my ancestor :)
My least favorite country, evil country with evil people.
Nice place to go for a holiday. Very friendly people. The government is sending the country backwards though.
The deal breaker is converting to Islam though, Arab Christians are qt
Nein, warum auch, Yusuf?
Gute Frage Dorian
Daily reminder that Turks are Caucasian Europeans
lol owned
I'm neutral towards them, most people i've met were nice. Never met one that was super muslim outside of Turkey, strangely enough. Even in Istanbul itself, there was like one girl in hijab and 10 girls in miniskirts.
Lurk moar
Their people are absolutely average, but their government is get-the-Flammenwerfer-tier
They don't even make the best Durum
I don't like Whites
i heard their currency has plunged, it means having a vacation there probably got cheaper... i wonder if i can get a cheap package tour from primorye which would allow me to see the place of troy... note to self
The turks I know are more bearable than arab/poo mussos and nig nog mussos
Yes. What could be if we became eternal allies.
They very friendly to Japanese.
I love Kebab-tan.
Freindly or atleast the ones I met
If I me a huge group of them than I can form a good opinion of them
Yes, but I hate Turkish politics and the Turks that are looking for free money in the west.
I love Turkish food
Anzu? Is that you?!
I'm a former slave so I have to
Your sound nothing good except the loli wife part
I love Turks :3
Istanbul is nice, at least they know how to get rid of hobbos around the central area
>german flag
am I surprised
No, nothing but a nation of parasites
No,they remind me too much of Greeks
>I'm neutral towards them, most people i've met were nice. Never met one that was super muslim outside of Turkey, strangely enough. Even in Istanbul itself, there was like one girl in hijab and 10 girls in miniskirts.
so as a syrian i supposed to hate turkey ... but the issue is ... my ancestors are turks ... i'm so lost desu
What? I'm not talking about chechens. And why is prosvinin and some slut on that photo.
do you support assad?
are you the Syrian who posts anime?
yes i do, of course.
>so as a syrian i supposed to hate turkey
Why is that?
nope, two Syrians in Jow Forums as far as i know
1st one is the anime gay poster
2nd one is me the frog poster
take your arm and join fsa like a real turko bulls in latakia
because their government support FSA terrorists
are you proud of having the KARA BOGA blood flowing through your veins?
can you understand when syrian turkmen speaks turkish?
Mehmed as fuck
well both turkey & syria have such a great history with a heroic nations so .. yeah
MASHALLAH, brother
How so? Because i don't have problems with them? Their government is another thing, but so is ours. Doesn't mean all people are responsible for their government (though they are i nsome sense)
no i don't tbqh
ne mutlu KARA BOGAYIM diyene
I want to witness every single turk committing collective suicide
t. Charcoal Caucasoid
I love it’s easter parts...
I want turkish gf
I think all of you crazy barbarian nigger subhumans should be eradicated.
Based hairy mountain man.
One thing I noticed about Turkey that they have handfull of other Turkic people there as well.
Some Kazakhs, Turkmens, Azeris, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tatars and even Uyghurs as well.
>Some Kazakhs, Turkmens, Azeris, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, Tatars and even Uyghurs as well.
Some of those dudes live in Turkey.
oh, I see
luckily you’re a shkolotroll from dvach so no one gives a fuck about your shitty thoughts. Here’s your (You).
>Injects krokodil and rots away
t. street squatter gopnik
Eh, Shitty government, lots of sheep that will die for Reis (erdogan)
Does Turkey love me?
No but I love Finland