Black and white have sexual attraction.
I think Asian people are less sexually attractive
Thank you for your very important opinion.
I think you can find an attractive female of any race.
and..your opinion?
That would explain your current birthrates but it does not explain how your populations came to be so gigantic.
fuck, marry, kill
I agree
you would change your opinion on black women very quickly if you lived in america desu
The one in the left is supposed to be black?
I agree
It isn’t?
More like mulatto. The other two don't like mixed.
average japanese girl
whore that would love to be WHITED
looks too pretty for a jap, probably a korean
hmm i don't think so
>every black person i find attractive isnt really black.
On average? Yeah I think so too. But you still have some stunning women.
West Africans don't look like this naturally.
That family isn't hapa it's from that lawsuit where a guy sued his wife for originally being ugly and getting plastic surgery to cover it up, resulting in fuck ugly children seemingly out of nowhere.
>you have post surgery freaks with tons of makeup on their faces
White women, too cold their inside.
How can they be like that?
It's from an anti surgery banner in Korea.
African: body
White: face and body
Asian: porn comics
Idk, horn of africa girls can be face and body too
Too bad I have raging yellow fever
>post asian qts
>hurr makeup and surgery
Every fucking time.
Sorry to disappoint you dmitri but they're both surgery free. FYI beautiful women exist everywhere, they're just harder to find in some places.
But the African diaspora are mostly Central and West Africa.
Yeah no thdy can't you cant have curves if you're starving.
as bad as women can be with makeup i've never seen any woman but asian woman do this to their neck and noses
why is that asian whiter than white?
Based Japan
"white" =/= skin color
white refers to north western europeans
slavs and french are barely even considered white
Even the fugliest goblina will just accept her reality, this is insane.
you're being delusional now, I wish every average girl would look like that
I just realised I'm ugly
How do I cope with this?
I always thought I was ok and this obviously gave me confidence but now I realise I am ugly it won't anymore so I wont get laid anymore
people really hate the body acceptance movement and them having ugly models be models
but damn asians at least need to be taught to be comfortable with their own headshape
>be ugly
>be white
>go to any asian city
>get crazy amount of pussies
you will have you confidence back in no time
>but now I realise I am ugly it won't anymore so I wont get laid anymore
what did you go bald or something
but at least you got laid in the first place ;(
what if you're asian
I don't like Asian women
No, I just realised that I'm ugly after seeing a photo of myself. Never thought about it before and did well enough with women etc but my confidence carried me. Now that's gone since I just realised im ugly
what if you're a hapa
I fucking hate you zoomers and your obsession with plastic korean trannies so much.
Who ever did that must be a master of their craft.
yea some ppl go to crazy extremes and every region has its manias. i mean for example you don't hear of butt/thigh implants anywhere other than brazil either
you just need to go back to what gave you that confidence in the first place?
it couldn't have JUST been delusion that you were handsome right?
that's pretty insane but shit dude remember when push up bras were the scariest thing? how times have changed
then you better be fucking rich or a chad. No hope for poorfag and manlet, sometimes they may be some girls with special taste in men but not much
go get some muscles then, it helps
i feel sorry for you if you look horrible but some Asians chicks love mixed blood
>Black women
99% of black women look disgusting
Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of butterfaces is Asia, but most of them look decent
I love asian girls
Most of this is just people with acne putting on coverup, not plastic surgery radically changing the shape of their face
If they didn't turn their faces into a fresco they probably wouldn't get as many acne in the first place
yeah its not comparable
the first few are clearly photoshoped as well
these are covering up the complexion as much as possible
they aren't adding prosthetic noses
It’s over... if only I was white living life on ezmode
Is this because you eat people for food?
>i feel sorry for you if you look horrible but some Asians chicks love mixed blood
no one picks the futon unless they have to user
i know, i hate it too. thankfully the average woman isn't that retarded
1. not a zoomer
2. have rotterdam rats finally eaten your brain or are you too high to read a bit further, abdul?
>no boobs
>no ass
>no curves
Here you are, lad.
the correct term is BLEACHED.
White girl have the least masculine feature among womens and the face is also smaller.
So if you like white women you are loli lover (not bad things).
>Asian people are less sexually attractive
but your nation is so high rape crime.
your post is contradictory。
What a huge confidence boost.
Wow I love Asian girls again wtf
i have chronic yellow fever and i love it, i've fucked 9 asians since my last white girl
she isnt pretty at all, she is average at best despite the layers of clown paint
its her body that is attractive
french used to be white
but they were the first of european countries to cuck themselves
not even counting modern times
WASPs didn't consider French to be white, took a while for Germans to be considered white too
I prefer brazilian bundas, but i have no problem with korean qts
I didn't imagine Koreans looking like that until Kpop. I think the majority of them have pudgy faces and strong jaws. Pic related.
ive been in Seoul, you have no idea all the qts
rating this current picture: black over asian and asian over white.
although that black and asian grils have destinctive facial features of an european person - narrow face, thin nose, decent cheekbones, almost human eyes shape. these features make them look attractive yet they are pretty uncommon amongst their respective races. also that black girl most probably is a mulatto
on the other hand white girl has features me personaly find unattractive - square germanic face and dead light-coloured eyes
How the fuck do those tapes work
they pull the skin up
Thanks. Can they move their mouths without the tape coming off?
When I was in Koreatown LA there where qts everywhere. Why do roasties think they can convince us that Asian women are ugly?
have you ever seen an expressive asian anyway?
Do virgins not understand how foundation works?
wtf now I love Taiwan even more
The average girl in any country is just average looking. While there are some places where the average is either lightly better or worse looking than most places, there's nowhere where the average is that good looking.
While this is edited my uncle married a Chinese Canadian and their 2 out of their 3 children look like that.
>mixed blood
come to taiwan
I will my dude. First I want to learn the language and finish my degree
Honestly faces with lots of makeup on them look worse up close because you see the acne scars and pores, that's why women go get special expensive face treatments pretty often so it won't get too bad because they're literally blocking all the pores with makeup
The one in the webm is actually half korean and half white, don't leat the koreaboos fool you
>i love asia
>but it needs more white people!
>tfw no Nihonjin Naginatajutsu gf who is tsundere because I'm a dirty Gaijin
Life isn't fair lads