The True cradle of civilization
Afghanistan,Pakistan,Parts of Northern India,Eastern Iran and Tajikistan
Western South Asia thread
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Don't you mean Iraq aka Messopotamia?
bihari aryan reporting in
what State only Kashmir,Punjab and Himachal Pradesh
are allowed
based thread
>implying IVC is built by pakis and north indians
Stop trying to we wuzz and steal dravidian loos faggot.
Actually the Dravidians that built the Indus Valley civilization still live in Pakistan. They are called Baloch, google them.
Pic unrelated.
You're talking about the Brahui people right? Seems like a tiny fraction of dravidians chose to stay there while the rest migrated to south india.
hello my aryan brothers
The people that built were dravidian I'm not denying
but they did became Indo-Aryan later in