Discord Server for Jow Forums

I'm setting up a Discord Server for Language Learning purposes.

The idea is to encourage talking over writing when learning, so I'm setting up voice channels separated by language, and text channels by generals.

Of course, would be a blue server, maybe would add a NSFW channel just in case.


Does anyone feel like helping?

Attached: 1493263191207.jpg (640x640, 136K)

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Attached: 1493263874897.jpg (1788x2044, 383K)

Attached: 1529874838768.jpg (400x400, 19K)

every Jow Forums discord so far has died
im still in one from 2015
its as dead as a doornail
what make you think your discord is special, faggot?


By adding people that is not from Jow Forums.

>inb4 its reddit

I'll let you be, glad you won't join

I'd join, but I'm deadly afraid of talking with strangers. Just the idea of talking with someone in a language I'm not even fluent in makes my jaw clench.

>unironically using dis*Ord

Just join. Server operations will start in a couple of days. While I organize it ,incorporate bots and commands for events and stuff.

Why am I banned from it

invite is invallid or experided fix it por favor

>reddit spacing
>every first letter is capitalised like a phone poster
>the great plan to keep the discord server going is to invite redditors
>OPs invite links don't even work

how could this possibly go wrong? lmao


Fuck off „oldfag“

What a great post. You showed him!!

if a discord server is created, but no one is able to join it
does the server exist?

There is a /lang/ discord, but no one can create invites except the creator, who is gone. So, there are no invites and no new members and it is now inactive

Let me in.

Yes, that's what I wanted all these days.
Post a new link, please. This is invalid.
