Why does American culture consistently breed alpha...

Why does American culture consistently breed alpha, chad and masculine males who aren’t scared of dying in the face of violence?

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lol this thread again

Gotta remind everyone about how strong the average American is in the face of conflict.

everybody even BVILLs dies to shooting and feels helpless to violence. maybe fattychap with gun is stronger than alpha chad.

When you own a gun, you feel that nothing could kill you

We have nothing in common with the chad pioneers of the 1800s or the men who fought our wars, modern Americans are decadent fat satisfied children. That being said, we're a whole lot better than Europeans. The hand holding they have over there basically makes euros walk through life without ever having to make a decision for themselves

i have a sword because i have a huge dick, i could kill you and fuck your mother, im the ultimate alpha

By the time you have your sword out, you would have been shot in the face

Even though we’ve become slightly soft we still aren’t the shitshow that european metrosexuals have become

Think about how different our cultures are
We invade Muslim countries and create a cycle of destruction and death there
Europeans invite Muslims in so they can destroy and kill Europeans

We don’t care if women and children die either because we’re that alpha

>strong in the face of conflict
Drawing a firearm is the epitome of cowardice.
Go and get slaughtered by rice farmers and goat herders, you gelatinous blob of deleterious DNA.

You think it’s easy shooting someone? Anyone can throw a bunch but shooting someone takes a man

Get fucked cretin. A woman can fire a pistol.

>hurr why don't you use primitive weapons
Using a weapon is emotionally taxing no matter how effective. Every fiber of your body tenses up when you're put in a situation where using lethal force is an option

>implying i wont ambush you
nice try incel but you will have no idea what is coming

so you are a pussy
>emotionally taxing
LMAOOOOO americans are gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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No it isn't when incel betas like Elliot Rodgers can use firearm like it ain't no thing. Compared to hand to hand fighting guns are for pussies. No wonder Americans have such a huge fetish for them lmao.


Elliot Rodgers was a complete psychopath with not an ounce of empathy in him. Normal people can't just shoot away

tell us more how emotionally taxing it is for americans to shoot some guns lol do you get triggered lmao

Americans never won a war in their lives
>Ib4 iraq
No Iraq was just ethnic cleansing

>are't scared of dying in the face of violence

why you think it's good thing?
it's not courage but paralysis of senses

shooting targets and animals =/= people

im edgy but saying shooting ppl is what it takes to be a man
get fucked retard

American Revolution?

and that attitude explains why you lost to some impoverished rice farmers and then spent decades after making movies how sad it made the poor poor soldiers fee fees.

tuff guy
Gooks aren't human

>Gooks aren't human
more human than mutts lmao

>Using a weapon is emotionally taxing no matter how effective. Every fiber of your body tenses up when you're put in a situation where using lethal force is an option

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That's like your opinion, man

A guy came at me with a knife, you wouldn't shoot either?

Using a weapon is a sign of cowardice and primitiveness. Nowadays almost every dispute or problem can be solved through judicial process or diplomatic negotiations, but Americans pull out their every time they don't like something/someone. Are you that stupid that you can't defend your position with civilized human's language? Or the language of violence is the only language you understand?

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i'd hack him with my katana that has greater reach. and wouldn't be emotionally taxed by it because i'm not some pussy mutt


There is nothing worth living for here, so there is no risk in dying

You carry a katana around?

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The French won that, we were just pawns in tbeir larger conflict against Britain.

never leave the house without it

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>alpha, chad, masculine

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Anyone can talk. That’s a passive aggressive way to deal with a problem

We Americans are all about decisive solutions. And what’s more decisive than death?

Why aren’t we scared of dying

haven't you perpetually been one countries bitch or the other, until 100 years ago?