What programming language should I learn to actually make money? So far I've learned some Python and I just spend some time every day doing challenges on a couple websites.
What should I learn that actually get me a job relatively easily?
What programming language should I learn to actually make money? So far I've learned some Python and I just spend some time every day doing challenges on a couple websites.
What should I learn that actually get me a job relatively easily?
Javascript is probably the single most employable language out there right now.
But Jow Forums and Jow Forums mocks it.
its too late to make money
Solidity and make another ponzi shitcoin on Eth, good luck
How do you actually shill scams effectively? that seems like the tough part
Jow Forums and Jow Forums are also populated by NEETs. It makes sense when you think about it.
Is it possible to learn a programming language and get some job without degree?
yes, degree overrated
python is a nice learning language because its so readable. also quite useful. good job on the practicing OP
kinda true, CS has tons of credentialism now compared to how it was 10 years ago. still one of the better(maybe best) fields if you want to make money and dont have a relevant degree. i dont think its as easy as it used to be to get an entry level job
this is also right
learn javascript, try to learn npm, if you can do that then make a nodejs app, put it on heroku
But I dont know what useful things to do. I only do simple things, not machine learning or some advanced scientific calculations
If you aren't business-autistic, SQL languages will get you employed as well if you can do databases.
Write programs to solve problems that you have. Or make a web forum. Or make a personal website. Just think of a topic that you care about and then write programs for it.
C++ of course
But Jow Forums makes pajeet memes about those
I think I will learn JavaScript now
>b-but Jow Forums says it's bad
Stop taking advice from Jow Forums is probably the first thing you should do, otherwise you'd listen to
>I only do simple things, not machine learning or some advanced scientific calculations
get a machine earning/AI on udemy for liek 12 dollars. it's not massively complicated, and all the smart jobs will be in it from now on.
bumping for interest.
I have never seriously thought about learning programming to get jobs, but even if I never got a job it'd be very useful to me to create my own data scrapers and also ways of organizing (automated batch transcoding) all my audio and video content for stuff.
Same user you replied to. Most programming jobs are building or maintaining CRUD applications, don't get worried about machine learning stuff, those jobs arent too common.
I meant I dont know how to useful things with Python. I will try JavaScript
All memes aside what's the minimum I.Q to be semi decent at coding and to be able to get a job? Also how boring is coding? Would you say it's similar to accounting in terms of that?
Its a trash language though, unironically. If everyone would jump off a cliff would you too?
Why is it trash?
how long does something like ths take to learn if i practice everyday
do i have to be good at math
pls respond my village is starving
I wanna know this too. Tbh, I don't even care if it's boring, I'm desperate to even make enough to eat rn.
Do I need to be Einstein in order to do it? I'm a brainlet but I got discipline. Also, I'm from latinamerica.
Language is irrelevant, as long as you know at least one. Your best bet BY FAR is to make a few 2-month coding projects about stuff you care about and publish them somewhere. Put those on your resume.
no youll find in most sectors everybody is retarded and dont have a clue whats going on. just learn enough to fake it. all you will be doing is maintaining code anyway