Norway is greek

Norway is greek
I am greek.

Attached: 2000px-Flag_of_Norway.svg (1).png (2000x1455, 4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf I hate norway now

Norways are so normie it's cringe

I think you're talking about danes

You are fjord anglos
That’s denmark
Norwegians are autistic


>be me
>have a good day
>get a reply from b*llyton
>day ruined


Attached: 1536076286448.png (645x894, 171K)

We are autistic too
Never @ me again you filthy commie tranny mutt

Attached: 1529847565779.jpg (200x200, 6K)

greatest ally, based uk
god save the Queen and fuck the d*Nes and sw*Des

Not the danes

no, fuck the d*Nes too
list of based countries:
1) greece
2) greece
3) greece
4) iceland
5) UK

Hello my Greek brother

Finland is greek

Attached: 300px-Epanastasi.jpg (300x413, 46K)


Väinämöinen is the lost son of Zeus

Greece is turkish

i am norwegian atleast the part that ends up in my gf

Mixing is like transmuting in Fullmetal Alchemist, you must exchange something of equal value or it won't work

Based hellas (nordic(

Are Norwegian people NPCs?

Ville Valo from the Finnish gothrock band HIM is half Hungarian

I am Greek

my genes survived the urals for over a thousand years all over here, from other steppeniggers to mongols to turks germans russians and every possible invader there was, my genes are the strongest on earth and possibly the universe
nordics are welcome to be enriched by my big magyar dick desu

Norwegians are indeed NPCs

No, he's talking about norsks

Norge er for vikinger, som har temmet landet med hardt ærlig arbeid og ligger i jorden her

Gå vekk ellers sender vi på leir i iran

Reis hjem

denmark is most normie