Red or blue?

There a two perspectives on the current life stage of crypto, red or blue?

Attached: red or blue.jpg (784x442, 62K)

My dick says red, er heart. My brain says blue. I always listen to my dick.


Mr Trustee of Gox is legally compelled to keep selling.

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Mt Gox, but you know.

Falling wedge is a bullish pattern but from the long term TA on log charts I've seen I reckon Bitcoin is going to bounce between 5-7k for the next 12-18 months

Buy dickred, it's great

Wall street is going to be shilling crypto to their clients with real money as a hedge, none of you have any idea what happens to penny stocks when wall street gets involved.

It will be pure lawlessness and they will create a bubble like you have never seen before.

A lot of misinformation about them accumulating, they do not give a shit about the price as long as it looks attractive to a client and they get their commission.

Just keep accumulating and average out your buy ins, or if you know what you are doing swing and increase your stacks. Stay off of IDEX and actually look into a project to make sure it is not a fraud and you will be rich as fuck in two years.

Uh huh


it would be red even if we weren't getting an inflationary crisis at the end of this year

Mt. Gox is once again destroying an incredible speculatory buzz. Someone hire the Yakuza to remove these fools

who cares about bitcoin. it's dead. but LINK on the other hand.....

green is enough complexity already, please don't bring more colors to the table, kek

Just ask yourself if 10k is a rational price at this point. It isn't, the psychological barrier for 10k is to strong. I can only see us going down to perhaps 1-2k right now. There's just no point in buying Bitcoin at all.

The entire market is moved by bitcoin you mong

>implying the psychology barrier doesn’t work going down
>implying anybody would go below 5k

nah, we are at the lowest bottom as I'm not selling ever, kek

Brainlet detected. How heavy are your bags, user?

It's possible for people to eventually give up though.

blue and then red you fucking brainlet, same thing that always happens with crypto

why is Jow Forums so stupid

we've been above 10k multiple times this year alone. It's not a psychological barrier if we know we can hit it.

The real barrier is 20k

so... red but a bit slower?

Here's where we're at.

Attached: cycle.jpg (768x624, 181K)

unironically this

Red is the McAfee dickline